(HTTP) (B)inary (G)ames (f)or (B)eginners
Every executable is a mini-http server that has a logic-based vulnerability. To play,
$ sudo ./ch[num]
Where [num] is the challenge number, I recommend going from 0 to 3.
The server should be run in
Every Binary is a shared-lib-elf.
Collect the 4 flags, each flag is 9 numbers long, the sum of the 4 flags is 7106425675
- Try to build a problem-solving mindset.
- Learn Web Penetration Testing from a better resource.
- Start with Ch0 . If you're able to solve it, you can proceed, you just need a lil push xD.
Otherwise, try to learn basics first. - Search for hints!
Congratulations! You can send me the 4 flags on my e-mail [email protected]
and I'll be happy to send you weekly challenges varying in difficulty!