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Download scripts for EPIC-KITCHENS
A project page template for academic papers. Demo at https://eliahuhorwitz.github.io/Academic-project-page-template/
yashsmehta / yashsmehta.github.io
Forked from alshedivat/al-folioPersonal website of Yash Mehta
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
React app for inspecting, building and debugging with the Realtime API
Too Long, Didn't Watch: End-to-End Rolling Summarizer of Long Videos
Implemention of the Decision-Pretrained Transformer (DPT) from the paper Supervised Pretraining Can Learn In-Context Reinforcement Learning.
Code for "Transcriptomic cell type structures in vivo neuronal activity across multiple time scales"
Official implementation of Neuronal Time-Invariant Representations (NeuPRINT), NeurIPS 2023
Official codebase for Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling.
Beyond the Imitation Game collaborative benchmark for measuring and extrapolating the capabilities of language models
Some methods for comparing network representations in deep learning and neuroscience.
Implementation of the Tolman Eichenbaum Machine in pytorch
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
Wrappers and utilities for Nvidia IsaacGym
Really Fast End-to-End Jax RL Implementations
Implementation of Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of StyleGAN (StyleGAN 2) in PyTorch
Gateway test server for Decentralized Science
Expand human face editing via Global Direction of StyleCLIP, especially to maintain similarity during editing.
Interpreting the Latent Space of StyleGAN for Semantic Face Editing
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
Transform ONNX model to PyTorch representation
HelinXu / icecream
Forked from gruns/icecream🍦 Never use print() to debug again.
Dataset to assess the disentanglement properties of unsupervised learning methods
Reference sparse coding implementations for efficient learning and inference.
A HTML/CSS Template for Building Projects or Personal Websites
A fast, clean, responsive Hugo theme.