spine-unity 是一个Unity插件,目的是在Unity中加载并播放 Spine 骨骼动画。
支持Spine 3.5到Spine 4.2版本的无痛导入(目前只支持二进制骨骼, json骨骼仍在施工中)。
一键解析 mihoyo / hoyoverse 网页并能下载Spine文件并正确导入。
添加实现 mihoyo / hoyoverse 网页spine动态效果和网页层级重建。
(我也准备放出一个Unity 2017兼容版本,但是如果可以的话,还是建议升级Unity版本。)
为了防止导入Unity中的贴图透明看起来不正确,请去到菜单栏Edit->Preference->Spine 按照下图所示,修改Spine Runtime的默认配置。 (就用Straight Alpha Preset配置即可)
可以阅读官方文档 [Spine-Unity-Document](https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity) 特别是 **Alpha Texture Settings** 部分.
- 对于这个功能, 只需要拖入对应的 Atlas Texture and Skeleton 文件进Unity。它就能正确解析。
- 明日方舟-> Spine 3.5 (最新版本, 已经是3.8版本)
- 公主连结 Re:Dive-> Spine 3.6
- 碧蓝航线 -> Spine 3.8
- 蔚蓝档案 -> Spine 3.8
- 原神(米家) -> Spine 4.0+
- 对于该功能, 菜单栏选择 ZeroFly。 点击 Read Vendors Content, 对应的解析窗体就会出现,你可以拖动到任意布局。
- 输入网页,当然要确认输入的网址确实是能访问到网页的。
**提示:** 你可以用这个链接作为例子 :https://act.mihoyo.com/ys/event/e20231209preview-yh731z/index.html
- 检查下信息面板. 它会提供如下内容:
- 域名
- 活动名
- 网页完整地址
如果这些信息看着是正确的, 就可以点击Start Decode按钮了。
如果程序能顺利结束。 看看工程里的 Assets 文件夹, 会有一个新文件夹生成,名字就是用的 活动名。
- Spine 文件就保存在子文件夹中。
在很多情况下, 角色的头发衣服尾巴,都不是硬编码在Spine文件中的,这些骨骼的位置都是实时解算的。
- 对于这个功能, 首先拖动你想播放的SkeletonDataAssets进入Scene窗体。
添加组件 Skeleton Utility.
点击 Spawn Hierachy -> Follow All Bones
- 点击Unity播放按钮, 应该就能看到动态效果。
对于这个功能, 请先用右键,在Hierrachy窗体里创建一个空的GameObject对象。
添加组件 Vendors Generator
对于每一个用 Vendors Decoder生成的活动名 文件夹,都会有一个以 _Geo 为后缀的json文件。
拖它到 Geometry Json 这一栏。
点击 Spawn Geometry
查看生成的层级, 通常第一个子节点,都是网页一个场景的根节点。
对于每一个 活动名 文件夹, 都会有一个叫做 otherResources的子文件夹, 所有的暂不明用途文件都会下载到那里.
里面可能有形如json_0_Other,json_1_Other...等json文件, 这些可能是动画文件, 你可以拖到 Animation File List列表里,再点击Spawn Geometry
在VendorsGenerator 对象下添加Animation组件,可以放入对应的动画文件。
回答: 网页解析是基于Vendors.js和Index.js。对于2021/09/28. (一周年总结,这个网页可以的)前的网页,写法已经和现在版本有很大不同。
比如, 老版本中用的是bundle.js而不是index.js这2者写法有很大不同。
请阅读准备的第二点, 或者看官方文档的 Spine-Unity-Document Alpha Texture Settings 章节
(1) 首先, 衣服,头发,飘带,尾巴等都有可能是实时解算的, 没有硬编码写入Spine文件中。
(2) 其次, 米哈游把变形动画提出来了,没有放入Attachments中,这会导致官方Spine读取不正确。
该仓库只包含Spine Runtime代码和一些示例工程。使用时请遵守官方Spine的License要求,并且一定要注意版权问题。 没有版权的素材一定不可用于商业用途。
The spine-unity runtime provides functionality to load, manipulate and render Spine skeletal animation data using Unity. spine-unity is based on spine-csharp.
You are welcome to evaluate the Spine Runtimes and the examples we provide in this repository free of charge.
You can integrate the Spine Runtimes into your software free of charge, but users of your software must have their own Spine license. Please make your users aware of this requirement! This option is often chosen by those making development tools, such as an SDK, game toolkit, or software library.
In order to distribute your software containing the Spine Runtimes to others that don't have a Spine license, you need a Spine license at the time of integration. Then you can distribute your software containing the Spine Runtimes however you like, provided others don't modify it or use it to create new software. If others want to do that, they'll need their own Spine license.
For the official legal terms governing the Spine Runtimes, please read the Spine Runtimes License Agreement and Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement.
spine-unity works with data exported from Spine 4.1.xx.
spine-unity supports all Spine features.
Unity's physics components do not support dynamically assigned vertices so they cannot be used to mirror bone-weighted and deformed BoundingBoxAttachments. However, BoundingBoxAttachment vertices at runtime will still deform correctly and can be used to perform manual hit detection.
spine-unity is compatible with Unity 2017.1-2023.1.
- Create an empty Unity project (or use an existing project).
- Download and import the
See the Spine Runtimes documentation on how to use the APIs and check out the spine-unity examples for demonstrations of Unity specific features.
- Create an empty Unity project
- Download and import the
. - Explore the example scenes found in the
Assets/Spine Examples/Scenes
- This slightly outdated spine-unity tutorial video may still be useful.
- Atlas images should use Premultiplied Alpha when using the shaders that come with spine-unity (
). - Texture artifacts from compression: Unity's 2D project defaults import new images added to the project with the Texture Type "Sprite". This can cause artifacts when using the
shader. To avoid these artifacts, make sure the Texture Type is set to "Texture". spine-unity's automatic import will attempt to apply these settings but in the process of updating your textures, these settings may be reverted.