ZonPlayer is a player library base on AVPlayer with cache and remote control support in iOS. For convenience, we defined interfaces can be called by chain.
- Configure AVAudioSession asynchronously to prevent the main thread from hang.
- Support 3rd-party cache like VIMediaCache. There are presetted with
andZPC.Streaming(base on AVAssetResourceLoader)
. - Manage now playing info and remote control command.
- Use plugin to intercept progress for streaming playback.
- Retry automatically if then player has an error, eg: media services were reset.
let player: ZonPlayable = ZonPlayer.player(URLConvertible)
.cache(ZPCacheable) // Conform ZPCacheable to customize cache category.
.remoteControl(self) { wlf, payload in // Conform ZPRemoteControllable to customize background playback controller.
.onPaused(self) { wlf, payload in // Conform ZPObservable to listen player.
.activate(in: ZonPlayerView)
// Conform ZPControllable to control player instance.
player.seek(to: 0)
// ...
// Conform ZPGettable to read player status.
// ...
Integrate 3rd-party cache:
import VIMediaCache
final class TestCache: ZPCacheable {
let manager = VIResourceLoaderManager()
func prepare(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<AVURLAsset, ZonPlayer.Error>) -> Void) {
let item = manager.playerItem(with: url).unsafelyUnwrapped
let asset = (item.asset as? AVURLAsset).unsafelyUnwrapped
func play() {
let player = ZonPlayer.player(url).cache(TestCache())
Notice: before using ZPC.Streaming, it is advisable to ensure that the URL supports random access to avoid potential unexpected issues. Below is the official documentation explanation for isByteRangeAccessSupported
If this property is not true for resources that must be loaded incrementally, loading of the resource may fail. Such resources include anything that contains media data.
In iOS 18.0.1, we encountered an issue where video playback sometimes has no sound, occasionally accompanied by video stuttering. The example code is as follows:
func seekAndPause(to time: TimeInterval) {
_player?.seek(to: time) { [weak self] _ in
let time: TimeInterval = 10 // Any time
seekAndPause(to: time)
seekAndPause(to: time) // Call repeatedly
The official documentation describes the completionHandler
parameter for AVPlayer().seek
The completion handler for any prior seek request that is still in process will be invoked immediately with the finished parameter set to false. If the new request completes without being interrupted by another seek request or by any other operation the specified completion handler will be invoked with the finished parameter set to true.
Eventually, we discovered that when the completionHandler
invocation flag is set to false, playback control encounters this issue. Thus, the fix is quite simple:
func seekAndPause(to time: TimeInterval) {
_player?.seek(to: time) { [weak self] in
guard $0 else { return }
- iOS 12.0 or later
- Swift 5.0 or later
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '12.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'ZonPlayer', '~> 1.0.0'
github "ZeroOnet/ZonPlayer" ~> 1.0.0
- File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- Add
[email protected]:ZeroOnet/ZonPlayer.git
- Select "Up to Next Major" with "1.0.0"
ZeroOnet, [email protected]
从头撸一个播放器 I —— ZonPlayer 需求分析及接口设计
从头撸一个播放器 II —— 音频会话、远程控制和播放器实现
从头撸一个播放器 III —— 缓存
从头撸一个播放器 IV(终) —— Github Action 与组件发布
ZonPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.