Comprehensive modding framework for TERA.
skill prediction for tera
Instantly heal and cleanse party members, no need to lockon.
codeagon / fps-utils
Forked from Saegusae/fps-utilsTERA-Toolbox mod for ingame fps tweaks
Risenio / fps-utils
Forked from codeagon/fps-utilsStandalone Fps Utils fork (No dependencies). Works on any proxy.
A tera-proxy module able to change your client-side appearance.
lists opcode candidates after their triggering based on their defenitions
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Blocks packets which caused client lag when using consumable Noctenium.
Shows hidden HP-Bar for field boss BAMs: Ortan, Cerrus, Hazard
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Blocks targeted teleport skills without a target.
Calculates and tracks next respawn time for field boss BAMs: Ortan, Cerrus, Hazard
Replaces your pet's active with the strongest version (40 power/5min), also uses other partner buffs like Barrier III or Rapid Growth III
Notifies you when new Opcodes are added
tera-proxy module generic box opener \ item user
Removes ping tax related to mounts such as skill -> mount and unmount -> skill
Parquina's Nest (Gossamers Vault) guide [Normal mode & Hard mode]
Full pack of effect minimizing and disabling gpk mods to increase FPS
Shows EP EXP gains and your daily cap (89% of it)
Owyn / Achievements
Forked from soler91/Achievement-TrackerTracks achievement progress
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Fixes cape exploding physics glitch.
teralove / guide-aa
Forked from Owyn/aaguideGuide for Antaroth’s Abyss
A tera-proxy module that automatically inspects players when they apply for your group and logs details about them in your console.
Owyn / Bahaar-Guide
Forked from teralove/guide-bahaarGuide for Bahaar's Sanctum
Ensures that your Elite Membership buffs are up 100% of the time.
teralove / let-me-pot
Forked from lemestwo/let-me-potAuto-potion module for Tera Proxy.
Guide for Grotto of Lost Souls (5 man NM, HM and 7man)