Risenio / fps-utils
Forked from codeagon/fps-utilsStandalone Fps Utils fork (No dependencies). Works on any proxy.
Removes ping tax related to mounts such as skill -> mount and unmount -> skill
Notifies you when new Opcodes are added
lists opcode candidates after their triggering based on their defenitions
Prevents the game from leaking your afk status to the game-server
Replaces your pet's active with the strongest version (40 power/5min), also uses other partner buffs like Barrier III or Rapid Growth III
TerableCoder / mute-self
Forked from sb032835/mute-selfPrevent yourself from sending messages to specific channels.
TerableCoder / fly-forever
Forked from Saegusae/fly-moreRemoves P2W flight stamina restriction.
Displays the number of PKs your character has accumulated
Get message when you enter combat while wearing Angler Whiskers.
skill prediction for tera
TerableCoder / timestamps
Forked from wuaw/timestampstera-proxy module to show timestamps in chat
Full pack of effect minimizing and disabling gpk mods to increase FPS
Automatically place markers on friendly and enemy classes.
Guide for Grotto of Lost Souls (5 man NM, HM and 7man)
Translates incoming chat text into another language
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Fixes cape exploding physics glitch.
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Blocks packets which caused client lag when using consumable Noctenium.
Tera-Proxy module for Tera Online. Blocks targeted teleport skills without a target.
tera-toolbox module to notify enrage information of bosses
Owyn / AFKer
Forked from TeraProxy/AFKerA tera-proxy module that prevents you from getting back to the character select screen. This has the side effect that the server's AFK check will not kick you out of the game.
Ensures that your Elite Membership buffs are up 100% of the time.
TeraProxy / Normalifier
Forked from spaacecats/no-drunk-screenA tera-proxy module that blocks specific abnormals in order to not trigger annoying screen effects on your client (e.g. Lein's Dark Root Beer).