Removes ping tax related to mounts such as skill -> mount and unmount -> skill
Notifies you when new Opcodes are added
lists opcode candidates after their triggering based on their defenitions
Prevents the game from leaking your afk status to the game-server
Displays the number of PKs your character has accumulated
Get message when you enter combat while wearing Angler Whiskers.
Full pack of effect minimizing and disabling gpk mods to increase FPS
Automatically place markers on friendly and enemy classes.
Guide for Grotto of Lost Souls (5 man NM, HM and 7man)
Translates incoming chat text into another language
Ensures that your Elite Membership buffs are up 100% of the time.
Disables custom loading screens supplied by the publishers.
Flashes your client (like when receiving a negotiation request) to notify you of certain events, for example instance matching completed.
Instantly heal and cleanse party members, no need to lockon.
Calculates and tracks next respawn time for field boss BAMs: Ortan, Cerrus, Hazard
Parquina's Nest (Gossamers Vault) guide [Normal mode & Hard mode]
Notifies you when a world bam is close by.
A watered down version of node-notifier. Allows modules to use windows Toasts/Balloons for notification purposes.
A tera-proxy module that automatically inspects players when they apply for your group and logs details about them in your console.
A tera-proxy module able to change your client-side appearance.
Comprehensive modding framework for TERA.
Shows hidden HP-Bar for field boss BAMs: Ortan, Cerrus, Hazard
TeraTimeStamps - client mod for adding timestamps to the chat of Tera online.