The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
A horizontal view scroller library for Android
The idea of ResideMenu is from Dribbble 1 and 2. It has come true and run in iOS devices. iOS ResideMenu This project is the RefsideMenu Android version. The visual effect is partly referred to iOS…
An image download-and-cacher that also knows how to efficiently generate and retrieve thumbnails of various sizes.
A library to show emoji in TextView, EditText (like WhatsApp) for Android
中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
An android ViewPager extension allowing infinite scrolling
Android common lib, include ImageCache, HttpCache, DropDownListView, DownloadManager, Utils and so on
Official repository now at [phonegap/phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner](
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: