Several methods including GRU Dual Stage Attention Netwrok, GRU, LSTM, TCN were used in this work to predict traffic flow, share and speed on PeMS04 data.
- data:Raw data
- processed: Stored data which have been processed. The process includes data standardization through Z-score and historical features extraction.
- *_model: A various of models to predict traffic task that have been trained and persisted in the way of pkl.
- re: It stored prediction result in the way of csv, which given by these models.
- main: The entry pint of the program
- *_network: The structure of various models
- my_parameter: Some of settings about our models, such as various path definition, history window which decided how long period historical data I used
Model | MAE | R Square |
LSTM | 27.928 | 0.875 |
GRU | 25.579 | 0.911 |
GRU_Attention | 22.626 | 0.934 |
GRU_Dual_Stage_Attention | 21.913 | 0.937 |
TCN_Attention | 26.530 | 0.909 |