基于 TensorFlow2.0 (Keras) + Flask 的 Mnist 手写数字集识别系统
IOT project to automatically water plants based on the time. The system makes use of multiple sensors with arduino as its brains. The timer is managed by an RTC with live data about water level, so…
An open-source remote desktop application designed for self-hosting, as an alternative to TeamViewer.
Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to a graphical entity-relationship diagram.(convert to dot file)
Open-source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL. No more typing DDL commands. Let pgModeler do the work for you!
the source code of linux-0.11 for study linux kernel
⚡ A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
A simple peer to peer chat application using socket API in python
İt is a peer to peer chat application . it's developed on python with socket library
Resume template for Chinese programmers . 程序员简历模板系列。包括PHP程序员简历模板、iOS程序员简历模板、Android程序员简历模板、Web前端程序员简历模板、Java程序员简历模板、C/C++程序员简历模板、NodeJS程序员简历模板、架构师简历模板以及通用程序员简历模板
screen sharing for developers
FreeRTOS kernel files only, submoduled into and various other repos.
A tool for visualizing a kustomize dependency graph
程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
VS Code extension to translate between English and Chinese.
vscode插件, 实现离线英汉词典功能
One of the 'BEST' markdown preview extensions for Atom editor!