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A DataJoint extension that integrates hashes and other features.


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A DataJoint extension that integrates hashes and other features. Requires DataJoint version 0.12.9.


Minimal examples for using DataJointPlus. Documentation to be added.


pip3 install datajoint-plus

Create new schema

import datajoint_plus as djp

schema = djp.schema("project_schema")

Add table with automatic hashing

Set flag enable_hashing=True in any DataJoint User class (djp.Lookup, djp.Manual, djp.Computed, djp.Imported, djp.Part) to enable automatic hashing.

This will require two additional properties to be defined:

hash_name: (string) The attribute that will contain the hash values.

  • The hash_name must be added to the definition as a varchar type and can be added as a primary or secondary key attribute
  • The hashing mechanism is md5 and has a maximum of 32 characters. Specify how many characters from [1, 32] of the hash should be stored.
    • E.g. a 12 character hash should be added to the definition as varchar(12)

hashed_attrs: (string, or list/ tuple of strings) One or more primary and/or secondary attributes that should be hashed upon insertion.

The following lookup table named Exclusion when created will automatically add two entries under reason, "no data" and "incorrect data", with corresponding hashes under the primary key: exclusion_hash.

class Exclusion(djp.Lookup):
    enable_hashing = True
    hash_name = 'exclusion_hash'
    hashed_attrs = 'reason'

    definition = f"""
    # reasons for excluding imported data entries
    exclusion_hash : varchar(6) 
    reason : varchar(48) # reason for exclusion

    contents = [
        {'reason': 'no data'},
        {'reason': 'incorrect data'}

lookup table automatically hashes values in "reason" and places the hash under "exclusion_hash"

Note: The table name is automatically added to the header next to the special character ~ that is used for parsing. In addition, the hash_name and hashed_attrs are also added to the header. This can be turned off, but is useful because it allows virtual modules to parse the header and reproduce the hashing configuration, even in the absence of the code that defined the original table.

New entries can be added to this table with direct insertion. Direct insertions must use named datatypes. Supported types include:

  • pandas dataframe
  • DataJoint expression
  • Python dictionary (or list of dictionaries for multiple rows)


    {'reason': 'requires manual review'}


        {'reason': 'requires manual review'},
        {'reason': 'some other reason'}

Method Tables:

Hashing happens in part tables, Master aggregates method hashes

This example uses the master table as an aggregator for hashes.

Each part table represents a unique method type with a pre-defined set of parameters. Every row in the part table is one method with specific parameter values.

If a new method type is desired with a new set of parameters, a new part table can added for it at anytime.

When individual methods are added to part tables, they recieve a hash that is also automatically added to the master table.

For maximum flexibility, downstream tables would depend on the master table.

class ImportMethod(djp.Lookup):
    hash_name = 'import_method_hash' # we define a hash_name for the master even though the hashing happens in the parts
    hash_part_table_names = True # this is already True by default and need not be included but shown for clarity. With this enabled, every method will generate a unique hash across all part tables

    definition = """
    # method for importing data
    import_method_hash : varchar(12) # method hash 

    class FromCSV(djp.Part):
        enable_hashing = True # the part table does the hashing
        hash_name = 'import_method_hash'
        hashed_attrs = 'param1', 'param2' # these values generate the hash

        definition = """
        # methods for loading data from a CSV
        -> master
        param1 : int # some parameter
        param2 : varchar(48) # some other parameter
        ts_inserted=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : timestamp

        def run(self):
            return self.fetch1() 
    class FromAPI(djp.Part):
        enable_hashing = True
        hash_name = 'import_method_hash'
        hashed_attrs = 'param1', 'param2', 'param3'

        definition = """
        # methods for importing data using some api
        -> master
        param1 : varchar(12) # 
        param2 : Decimal(3,2) # 
        param3 : int # 
        ts_inserted=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : timestamp

        def run(self):
            return self.fetch1()

To insert new methods, we insert to the Part table directly and use insert_to_master=True. The order of events is:

  1. The hash is generated by the part table
  2. The hash is inserted to the master table
  3. The hash and params are inserted to the part table.

Importantly, these steps occur in one transaction, so if any of them fail, no insertions will occur.

Inserting some methods:

ImportMethod.FromCSV.insert1({'param1': 1, 'param2': 'some parameter'}, insert_to_master=True)
ImportMethod.FromCSV.insert1({'param1': 32, 'param2': 'some other parameter'}, insert_to_master=True)
ImportMethod.FromAPI.insert1({'param1': 'a param', 'param2': 4.2, 'param3': 38}, insert_to_master=True)
ImportMethod.FromAPI.insert1({'param1': 'another param', 'param2': 6.9, 'param3': 99}, insert_to_master=True)

method table after insertion

Now, to get to a single method we can use the master table: ImportMethod and the import_method_hash as such:

ImportMethod.restrict_one_part({'import_method_hash': '902421e75df6'})
ImportMethod.r1p({'import_method_hash': '902421e75df6'}) # alias for restrict_one_part


ImportMethod.r1pwh('902421e75df6') # alias for restrict_one_part_with_hash


method table restricted to row with hash

By default, the restricted part table object is returned so we can call the run method directly:


Here, the run method calls fetch1 on the restricted table to ensure that only one row remains after the restriction. Then it returns the parameters.


{'import_method_hash': '902421e75df6',
 'param1': 'alt',
 'param2': 6.9,
 'param3': 99,
 'ts_inserted': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 10, 6, 19, 38)}

We can also recover the original hash with the hash1 method by rehashing the parameters:

    { 'param1': 'alt',
     'param2': 6.9,
     'param3': 99}


Example to be added: Dimensionality reduction

Example to be added: Grouping/ Splitting with hashes

Example to be added: Multiple hashes (master table performs hashing and part table performs hashing)

Example to be added: Informational hash (hashes in the secondary key)

Features available with DataJointPlus

Descriptions will be expanded in the future.


  • djp.schema() - same function as DataJoint schema
  • djp.create_djp_module() - DataJointPlus virtual module. can be used to add DataJointPlus functionality to all DataJoint tables in an imported module that did not originally have DataJointPlus, or can create a virtual module with DataJointPlus functionality from an existing schema.
  • schema.load_dependencies() - Loads (or reloads) DataJoint networkx graph. Runs by default when schema is instantiated for both djp.schema and djp.create_djp_module. If graph is not loaded (it's not loaded by default in DataJoint 0.12.9), then returns empty list even if it has part tables.
  • schema.tables - a DataJoint table created automatically for every schema (similar to ~log) that logs all tables in the schema and keeps track if they currently exist (schema.tables.exists) or if they were deleted (schema.tables.deleted).

Class-level flags

These flags must be set during table definition and are constant once a table is defined. To change these features after the table is instantiated, the best practice is to delete and remake the table.

  • enable_hashing - (bool) default False. If True, hash_name and hashed_attrs must be defined.
  • hash_name - (str) The name of the primary or secondary DataJoint attribute that contains the hashes
  • hashed_attrs - (str or list/tuple of str) The DataJoint primary and/or secondary key attributes that will hashed upon insertion
  • hash_group - (bool) default False. If True, multiple rows inserted simultaneously are hashed together and given the same hash
  • hash_table_name - (bool) default False. If True, all hashes made in the table will also include the name of the table
  • hash_part_table_names - (bool) default True. Property of a master table. If True, enforces that all hashes made in its part tables will always include the part table name in the hash (therefore, hashes will always be unique across parts)

Base class methods and properties

Methods and properties common to all DJP user classes (djp.Lookup, djp.Manual, djp.Computed, djp.Imported, djp.Part) after they are defined.

  • Table.Log - Log record manager and logger. To create log: Table.Log('info', msg), To view logs: Table.Log.head() or Table.Log.tail(). Directory to save logs controlled by djp.config['log_base_dir'] or ENV variable: DJ_LOG_BASE_DIR. Default logging level set with globally with djp.config['loglevel'] or ENV variable DJ_LOGLEVEL or for specific tables with Table.loglevel
  • Table.class_name - Name of class that generated table. Part tables formatted like 'Master.Part'
  • Table.table_id - Unique hash for every table based on full_table_name
  • Table.get_earliest_entries() - If the Table has a timestamp attribute, returns the Table restricted to the entry (or entries) that was (were) inserted earliest
  • Table.get_latest_entries() - If the Table has a timestamp attribute, returns the Table restricted to the entry (or entries) that was (were) inserted latest
  • Table.aggr_max() - Given an attribute name, returns the Table restricted to the row with the max value of that attribute
  • Table.aggr_min() - Given an attribute name, returns the Table restricted to the row with the min value of that attribute
  • Table.aggr_nunique() - Given an attribute name, returns the number of unique values in Table for that attribute
  • Table.include_attrs() - returns a proj of Table with only provided attributes (Not guaranteed to have unique rows)
  • Table.exclude_attrs() - returns a proj of Table without the provided attributes (Not guaranteed to have unique rows)
  • Table.is_master() - True if Table is master type
  • Table.is_part() - True if Table is part table type
  • Table.comment - Just the user added portion of the table header
  • Table.hash_name - name of attribute containing hash (None if no hash_name was defined)
  • Table.hashed_attrs - list of attributes that get hashed upon insertion (None if enable_hashing is False)
  • Table.hash_len - number of characters in hash
  • Table.hash_group - True if hash_group is enabled for Table
  • Table.hash_table_name - True if hash_table_name is enabled for Table

Master Table methods and properties

Methods and properties common to DJP master user classes (djp.Lookup, djp.Manual, djp.Computed, djp.Imported) after they are defined.

  • - returns a list of part tables (option to return full table names, dj.FreeTable, or class)
  • Table.has_parts() - True if master has any part tables in the graph
  • Table.number_of_parts() - Number of part tables found in graph
  • Table.restrict_parts() - restrict all part tables with provided restriction.
  • Table.restrict_one_part() or alias Table.r1p - enforces that only one part table can be restricted successfully and returns restricted part table
  • Table.restrict_with_hash() - pass a hash and return Table restricted by the hash (Table.hash_name must be defined or hash_name can be provided.)
  • Table.restrict_part_with_hash() - pass a hash and return a list of part tables restricted with hash. Tries to return the part table class by default.
  • Table.restrict_one_part_with_hash() or alias Table.r1pwh - Same as restrict_part_with_hash but errors if more than one part table contains hash. If successful returns the part table.
  • Table.hash() - provide one or more rows and generate the same hash that Table would generate if those rows were inserted
  • Table.hash1() - same as Table.hash() but enforces that only one hash is returned.
  • Table.join_parts() - join all part tables according to specific methods
  • Table.union_parts() - union across all part tables
  • Table.hash_part_table_names - True if hash_part_table_names was enabled for Table
  • Table.part_table_names_with_hash() - returns names of all part tables that contain an entry matching provided hash
  • Table.hashes_not_in_parts() - returns Table restricted to hashes that are not found in any of its part tables

Part Table methods and properties

Methods and properties common to DJP part table classes (djp.Part) after they are defined.

  • Table.class_name_valid_id - returns Table.class_name with '.' replace with 'xx'. Useful when using class_name as an identifier where '.' characters are not allowed.

Special cases and considerations

Documentation of special cases and considerations

Hashing with Decimals vs Floats

In general decimals can be hashed, however depending on your use case they can pose a problem.

Below is an example table that has one value in hashed_attrs called param that is mapped to Decimal(4,2) in SQL:

from decimal import Decimal

class DecimalExample(djp.Lookup):
    enable_hashing = True
    hash_name = 'hash'
    hashed_attrs = 'param'
    definition = """
    hash : varchar(20)
    param: Decimal(4,2) # decimal type

First point to note is that the following inserts give two distinct hashes, even though value of param is identical in SQL:

DecimalExample.insert1({'param': 8.9})
DecimalExample.insert1({'param': Decimal(8.9)})

example with Decimal datatype

Secondly, because of how SQL outputs the Decimal, neither entry can reproduce their original hash, and instead both give another hash.


> 'db01069f5c8ad563c10f'

Therefore, if hash reproducibility is required, float should be considered over Decimal.

Example with float:

class FloatExample(djp.Lookup):
    enable_hashing = True
    hash_name = 'hash'
    hashed_attrs = 'param'
    definition = """
    hash : varchar(20)
    param: float # float type

# insert
FloatExample.insert1({'param': 8.9})

example with float datatype

# recover hash

> '01a86da7f62a5f33f613'


A DataJoint extension that integrates hashes and other features.







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