Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 12, 2020 -
node2vec Public
Forked from eliorc/node2vecImplementation of the node2vec algorithm.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2020 -
planetoid_datasets Public
Forked from ShengyuPei/planetoid_datasetsPlanetoid datasets. Consist of Cora, Pubmed, Citeseer, Large_Cora, nell.0.1, nell.0.01, nell.0.001.
UpdatedOct 12, 2019 -
bert-as-service Public
Forked from jina-ai/clip-as-serviceMapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 22, 2019 -
fast-graph-convolution Public
Tensorflow implement for ICLR2018 paper: "FastGCN: Fast Learning with Graph Convolutional Networks via Importance Sampling"
learn-to-cluster Public
Forked from yl-1993/learn-to-clusterLearning to Cluster Faces on an Affinity Graph (CVPR 2019)
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
My-Competition Public
All the projects of my own about the competition. \ 参加的比赛及项目代码和描述文件
QASystemOnHepatopathyKG Public
Forked from vivianLL/QASystemOnHepatopathyKG基于neo4j肝病知识图谱的问答系统
Python UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
EverybodyDanceNow_reproduce_pytorch Public
Forked from yanx27/EverybodyDanceNow_reproduce_pytorchEverybody dance now reproduced in pytorch
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2019 -
DuReader_QANet_BiDAF Public
Forked from yanx27/DuReader_QANet_BiDAFUsing QANet and BiDAF on DuReader datasets
Python UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
LeetCodeAnimation Public
Forked from MisterBooo/LeetCodeAnimationDemonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
interview_python Public
Forked from taizilongxu/interview_python关于Python的面试题
labelme Public
Forked from wkentaro/labelmeImage Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation).
Python Other UpdatedNov 23, 2018 -
cocoapi Public
Forked from cocodataset/cocoapiCOCO API - Dataset @ http://cocodataset.org/
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedNov 21, 2018 -
kaggle Public
Forked from apachecn/InterviewKaggle 项目实战(教程) = 文档 + 代码 + 视频
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2018 -
Mask_RCNN Public
Forked from matterport/Mask_RCNNMask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
Python Other UpdatedNov 9, 2018 -
pytorch-book Public
Forked from chenyuntc/pytorch-bookPyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 24, 2018 -
WAP Public
Forked from JianshuZhang/WAPWatch, Attend and Parse for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
Python UpdatedAug 27, 2018 -
AiLearning Public
Forked from apachecn/ailearningAiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP
MY_function Public
I have write some function to solve the proplems that I met during my study
Python UpdatedAug 9, 2018 -
DeepLearning Public
Forked from autoliuweijie/DeepLearningSome practices about deep learning
pytorch-faster-rcnn Public
Forked from ruotianluo/pytorch-faster-rcnn0.4 updated. Support cpu test and demo.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2018 -
transformer Public
Forked from Kyubyong/transformerA TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 8, 2018 -
fcn.berkeleyvision.org Public
Forked from shelhamer/fcn.berkeleyvision.orgFully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation by Jonathan Long*, Evan Shelhamer*, and Trevor Darrell. CVPR 2015 and PAMI 2016.
Python UpdatedApr 5, 2018 -
Faster-RCNN_TF Public
Forked from smallcorgi/Faster-RCNN_TFFaster-RCNN in Tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2018