React component for rendering images with zoom controls and hotspots.
Install from npm and include it in your project build process:
npm install react-image-hotspots --save
Or install from Yarn running:
yarn add react-image-hotspots
import ImageHotspots from 'react-image-hotspots'
alt='Sample image'
{ x: 10, y: 30, content: <span>Hotspot 1</span> },
{ x: 40, y: 70, content: <span>Hotspot 2</span> },
{ x: 80, y: 30, content: <span>Hotspot 2</span> }
Props | Type | Default | Description |
src |
String, required | Image source | |
alt |
String, optional | Image alternative info | |
hideFullscreenControl |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide fullscreen control |
hideZoomControls |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide zoom controls |
hideMinimap |
Boolean, optional | false |
Hide minimap |
hotspots |
Array of objects, optional | [] |
Hotspots |
background |
String, optional | Container background color |
If image size is smaller than the container size, zoom controls and minimap will be hidden.
Props | Type | Default | Description |
x |
Number, required | Percentage vertical position | |
y |
Number, required | Percentage horizontal position | |
content |
React or HTML element, required | Hotspot content |
Test project running:
npm test
Run project running:
npm start
Build project running:
npm run build