Web service to shorten URLs. Built with Symfony 3 and Angular 4. It allows sharing your shorten URL, watch count of views of current URL. Short URL will be deleted after 2 weeks since creation date.
Demo: https://url-shortener-atoll.herokuapp.com/
docker-compose up -d
Add urlshortener.dev domain into /etc/hosts. To get docker container IP use this command:
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' urlshortener_nginx_1
To init database or run other symfony console commands use docker exec like that:
docker exec urlshortener_php_1 sh -c "php bin/console doctrine:database:create"
docker exec urlshortener_php_1 sh -c "php bin/console doctrine:schema:update"
Application parameters placed in config.yml. Parameters allow to set length of short URL's and enable using of digits for them.
short_url.length: 5
short_url.use_digits: true
Get application parameters
GET: /params
length: 5,
use_digits: true
Get short url details
GET: /info/{shortUrl}
status: 'success',
busy: true,
fullUrl: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBh9soLSkI',
shortUrl: 'http://urlshortener.dev/po8vh',
useCount: 1,
createDate: '2017-10-01'
Increment short url use counter
GET: /used/{shortUrl}
status: 'success',
useCount: 1
Create new short url
POST: /create
fullUrl: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBh9soLSkI',
shortUrl: 'Ab123' //null or string
status: 'success',
short_url: 'http://urlshortener.dev/po8vh',
message: 'short URL created successfully'
Error response:
status: 'error',
message: 'full URL is not valid'
php bin/console urls:clean
cron task
0 3 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/symfony/bin/console urls:clean