A WeChat plugin for NativeScript Project.
Currently this plugin only suport Android platform, iOS is on its way coming.
For Android developer, Please make sure you've gotten the AppID from Tecent. Otherwise it will FAIL sharing any stuff to WeChat platform.
At currently stage, the plugin still need some polishing work before being published. So if you wanna have a trial, or help me find any bugs or inappropriated places, you may install it via entering cammand
tns plugin add https://github.com/ZixiaoWang/tns-wechat.git
Quick example
import * as WeChat from ('tns-wechat');
function MyClass(){
// Register your appID
// 注册你的appID
let wechat = new WeChat('wx1234567890123456');
// Share Webpage to Timeline
// 分享网页到我的朋友圈
.addDescription('This is description')
isInstalled(): boolean
sendText(txt: string): WeChat
sendWebpage(url: string): WeChat
sendImage(path: string): WeChat
sendImage(base64String: string): WeChat
addTitle(title?: string): WeChat
addDescription(description: string): WeChat
addMessageTagName(msgTagName: string): WeChat
addMessageAction(msgAction: string): WeChat
addMessageExt(msgExt: string): WeChat
addThumbnail(localPath: string): WeChat
addThumbnail(base64String: string): WeChat
addThumbnail(image: ImageSource): WeChat
title?: string,
description?: string,
messageTagName?: string,
messageAction?: string,
messageExt?: string,
thumbData?: string or ImageSource (imagePath or Base64String)
}): WeChat
to(target: string): boolean (target must be in ["session", "timeline", "favorite"])
toSession(): boolean
toTimeline(): boolean
toFavorite(): boolean