A blog record everything...
- 🎉 2020-6: Recreated the this repository & Change theme with vuepress-theme-reco
- 💡 2020-2: Restructure with vuepress
- 💡 2019-6: Moved repository from Gitee to Github & let Gitee as a mirror
- 💡 2018-11: Changed writing mode to .md
- 😵 Earlier: write with .docx
- GitHub Pages: https://zoomze.github.io/vuepress-blog/
- Gitee Pages: https://zoomze.gitee.io/vuepress-blog
- vue
- vuepress
- vuepress-theme-reco
- add 'seo'
- add 'info panel'
Build with ❤️ & A lot of things to do!
By ZooMze