airflow_logs_dedup Public
Forked from apache/airflowApache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 17, 2024 -
obsidian-csv-table-zs Public
Forked from coddingtonbear/obsidian-csv-tableHave a CSV file you want to render some or all of the data from? This plugin allows you to display that data in your obsidian preview.
date Public
Forked from HowardHinnant/dateA date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
C++ Other UpdatedNov 26, 2023 -
utfcpp Public
Forked from nemtrif/utfcppUTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
C++ Boost Software License 1.0 UpdatedNov 26, 2023 -
tinyxml2 Public
Forked from leethomason/tinyxml2TinyXML2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.
C++ zlib License UpdatedNov 26, 2023 -
pugixml Public
Forked from zeux/pugixmlLight-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2023 -
actions_python_cpp_compiler Public
Example of github actions with python and c++ module
Elib2Ebook Public
Forked from OnlyFart/Elib2EbookГенератор книг
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 24, 2023 -
pybind11 Public
Forked from pybind/pybind11Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 6, 2023 -
nbstripout Public
Forked from kynan/nbstripoutstrip output from Jupyter and IPython notebooks
Python Other UpdatedSep 6, 2021 -
miniz-cpp Public
Forked from tfussell/miniz-cppA cross-platform header-only C++14 library for reading and writing ZIP files
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2020 -
nbopen_windows Public
Forked from takluyver/nbopenOpens ipynb files on click. Reuses existing jupyter instance if possible. Work only in Windows.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 23, 2020 -
dbfread Public
Forked from olemb/dbfreadRead DBF Files with Python
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2020 -
mlcourse.ai Public
Forked from Yorko/mlcourse.aiOpen Machine Learning Course
Python Other UpdatedSep 6, 2019