A GameBoy emulator written in go. This is an educationnal project in order to learn go and get some basic hardware knowledge.
The objective is to build a functionnal GameBoy using Raspberry Pi Zero and my 3D printer.
- GitHub Awesome on gameboy development github
- 33c3 Ultimate Gameboy Talk youtube
- Blog link
- Programming for Gameboy link
- The Cycle Accurate GameBoy Docs link
- https://github.com/NewbiZ/gbemu/tree/master/scripts
- https://github.com/HFO4/gameboy.live/blob/master/gb/opcodes.go
- http://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/Gameboy_Bootstrap_ROM
- https://realboyemulator.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/a-look-at-the-game-boy-bootstrap-let-the-fun-begin/
- http://opusgames.com/games/GBDev/GBDev.html