Software Design II Labs
Work Load:
Stage 1 - Matt Stage 2 - Austin Stage 3 - Split Critter1 - Matt Critter2 - Matt Critter3 - Austin Critter4 - Austin
Critter1: i. Fields int flee - direction to flee in int dir - direction to move during timestep bool flip - used to change dir, alternates bool zealous - reproduce before fight, alternates static int fightsPicked - num times a Critter1 tries to fight ii. Methods: Contructor doTimeStep() fight() runStats() toString()
Critter2: i. Fields int dir - direction to move during timestep int iteration - keeps track of current generation static int total2 - keeps track of total Critter2's born
ii. Methods:
Critter3: i. Fields int dir - direction to move during timestep List forbiddenDir - directions that Critter3 CANNOT move in static int numBabies - number of offspring that all Critter3s have produced ii. Methods: Constructor doTimeStep() fight() runStats() toString()
Critter4: i. Fields int dir - direction to move during timestep static int numFights - number of fights that all Critter4s have accepted ii. Methods: Constructor doTimeStep() fight() runStats() toString()