Welcome to DataHacks 2021! Out of hundreds of applicants, you’ve been selected because you display true potential for solving complex problems and exude a passion for comprehending and transforming data. Good luck!
- Anaconda: Python 3.7, Graphical Installer recommended but not required
- Visual Studio Code: one text editor
- Github Desktop: If you don’t know Github or don’t have a Github account, please look at this post first
- Each team consists of up to THREE people (≤ 3)
- For beginner track, ONLY beginners (students who have little to no programming experience) can form a team
- Each team should pick one track to work on
- You have 36 hours until Sunday noon to work on your dataset
- Follow the prompt/README file for each track
- Prepare for a report with all of your findings in a reasonable length
- Judges will read through your reports and pick the top 3 teams from each track
- Selected 12 teams will go onto stage 2 and present their findings (maximum five minutes per team)
- Judges will announce one winner per track based on further criteria