Starred repositories
Dust3D is a cross-platform 3D modeling software that makes it easy to create low poly 3D models for video games, 3D printing, and more.
Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
unity bind custom editor class without CustomEditorAttribute example
Toon Shading Collection (for Character) 角色卡通渲染效果分析收集/速查手册/小百科
Real-Time Rendering 4th (RTR4) 参考文献合集典藏 | Collection of <Real-Time Rendering 4th (RTR4)> Bibliography / Reference
《Real-Time Rendering 4th》 (RTR4) 中文翻译
UIEffect is an open-source package that allows you to intuitively apply rich UI effects directly from the Inspector or via code. Combine various filters, such as grayscale, blur, and dissolve, to d…
PixelRender is a complete system for realtime rendering of 3D scenes as 2D pixel art in Unity3D.
a995049470 / nocode
Forked from kelseyhightower/nocodeThe best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
⛵ 关于炫酷的Unity3D Shader | About Cool Unity3D Shaders
a995049470 / PBR-White-Paper
Forked from QianMo/PBR-White-Paper⚡️基于物理的渲染(PBR)白皮书 | White Paper of Physically Based Rendering(PBR)
JackPilley / BlenderToStrideAnimationSeparator
Forked from GutterLab/BlenderToXenkoAnimationSeparatorA blender 3.3 script that exports actions as separate fbx files for use in Stride 3D.
HotReload Unity C# script without exit play mode and keep the running context unchanged
A project used for learning Unity Universal Render Pipeline
Unity Post Processing Stack Library | Unity引擎的高品质后处理库
[Dump] gelbooru, danbooru, sankaku complex, konachan, | keywords sheet, experience for image search (关键词/搜图经验)
High-Performance Rendering Framework on Stream Architectures
A py script helps download resources used in online shader.
A Lightweight, Flexible, Powerful Shader GUI System for Unity.
Stride (formerly Xenko), a free and open-source cross-platform C# game engine.
3D C++ Game Engine - yet another open source game engine
A real-time, GPU-driven method to generate 2D curves from 3D mesh’s contour.