##What is Wordpress New Project Config? This little script will save you the hassle of all the repetitives tasks each time you start a new wordpress project.
##So what it does? The script will
- Prompt you for a project name
- Create a new folder with the project name
- Fetch and Install the latest wordpress build
- Remove readme.html and license.txt
- Fetch your favorite starter theme and rename it with your project name
- Remove twentyten, twentyeleven and twentytwelve themes
- Fetch a list of plugins you want on every projects
- Remove Hello Dolly plugin
- Fetch H5BP server-configs .htaccess
- Create a database with your project name
- Prompt you for a table prefix
- Configure wp-config.php and change update salt strings
- Create a wp-config-local.php file for local database parameters
- Exclude wp-config-local.php in .gitignore and Sublime ftp config file
- Create a Sublime text 2 project config file (projectName.sublime-project)
- Configure .sublime-project file with 3 folders :
- My theme
- plugins
- All website (it will be helpfull for the 1st migration on a remote server)
- Prompt you if you want to configure ftp for Sublime text 2
- Create a Sublime text 2 sFTP config file sftp-config.json in each folder.
- Create a new project in codeKit
- Launch your project in Sublime text 2
- Open your newly created wordpress website in your favourite browser
- I created this script for MAC, I don't know if it works on other platforms.
- git
- codeKit
- sublime text 2
- and sFTP plugin if you want
##Installation Just duplicate config-sample.cfg to config.cfg
##Configuration You can edit the script with your favourite code editor and change some variables.
- DIRECTORY you can type your projects folder path
- WORDPRESS_URL must be a zip to download, I use zip download rather than a git repository cause I personally fetch a locale (french) version of wordpress
- THEME_URL must be a git repository
- PLUGINS_URL is a list of plugins from the wordpress.org plugin directory
- DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST these are the defaults for MAMP
- LOCAL_URL default is localhost:8888/ for MAMP but you could have changed it
and for sure, you can modify or delete some part not useful for you
##Why a .command extension?
The script is a common shell script with normally a .sh extension
The .command extension allow to make the script double clickable
Tip : If you are using Alfred or an other launcher application, you can execute the script from everywhere!
- Add mysql path in the config file
- Add sublime text path in the config file
- Now you can fetch a list a plugins from the wordpress.org plugin directory
- Fixed the path for browser launching (thanks to Aarow)
- Fixed sftp config process (thanks to Carles Jove)
- Do not allow empty strings on FTP config, and allow to abort process (thanks to Carles Jove)
- Empty values are now not allowed for project name (thanks to Carles Jove)
- Fixed table_prefix issue
- Split the configuration part in an another file config.cfg
- gitignore config.cfg