This microservice is one of the critical part of this application and, is used by other microservices under The MedicSoft domain. This microservice follows REST architectural style and, exposes API endpoints to interact.
The sole purpose of this microservice is to hold business logic for database operations.
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- npm start
Development Mode
- npm run dev
- npm i -g swagger
- npm run dev
- swagger project edit
- [GET] Get all clients: /api/v1/clients
- [GET] Get client by email: /api/v1/clients/:email
- [POST] Creates new client: /api/v1/clients
Consumes JSON and, inserts a new client in database. This endpoint follows strict schema handled at route level using fastify route schema definitons
- [PUT] Updates client by email: /api/v1/clients/:email
- [DELETE] Deletes client by email: /api/v1/clients/:email
- [GET] Get all Doctors: /api/v1/doctors
- [GET] Get doctor by email: /api/v1/doctors/:email
- [POST] Creates new doctor: /api/v1/doctors
Consumes JSON and, inserts a new doctor in database. This endpoint follows strict schema handled at route level using fastify route schema definitons.
- [PUT] Updates doctor by email: /api/v1/doctors/:email
- [DELETE] Deletes doctor by email: /api/v1/doctors/:email