A 2D singleplayer strategy game inspired by Microsoft's 3D multiplayer space combat game: Allegiance. Created for fun and to experiment with Commander AI & other game ideas.
Thanks to the Free Allegiance community: http://www.freeallegiance.org/
- Allegiance was originally released in March 2000
- It is now Open Source: https://github.com/FreeAllegiance/Allegiance
- Available for free on Steam! (Discord)
Screenshots   Video   Controls   Credits
- Customisable Game Settings & Factions
- Commander AI
- Multiple Maps, a Map Editor & Tech Paths
- Miners, Constructors, Scouts, Fighters, Interceptors, Bombers, Gunships, Stealth Fighters, Stealth Bombers, Fighter Bombers, Troop Transports, Towers, Minefields and Capital Ships!
- Micro control with Ship Abilities
- Fun Quick Chat Commands from the original game that can help order your pilots
(Corvette, Support, Frigate, Destroyer, Adv Support, Cruiser, Devastator, Hvy Support, Battleship, Battlecruiser)
- Discover wormholes to other sectors
- Find the enemy's bases and their miners
- Outpost, Starbase and Shipyard constructors require Standard asteroids:
- Supremacy constructors require Carbon asteroids:
- Tactical constructors require Silicon asteroids:
- Expansion constructors require Uranium asteroids:
- Resource constructors require Helium asteroids.
- Tower constructors require No asteroids.
- Outposts add 5 pilots to your team
- Starbases add 10!
- Filter the Pilot List window to keep track of your pilots, miners, constructors and capital ships
Key | Description |
Left Click & Drag | Selects units and bases. |
Double Click | Select all units of the same type in sector. |
Shift | Hold to add units/bases to the current selection. |
Key | Description |
Control+(0-9) | Set sector preset 0-9. |
Shift+(0-9) | View sector preset 0-9. |
Space | Switch between the sector of the last alert. |
F3 | Show/Hide the Minimap window. |
F5 | Show/Hide the Research/Construction window. |
F6 | Show/Hide the Pilot List window. |
F12 | Show/Hide the AI Debug window. |
` | Show/Hide the Quick Command menu. |
Pause, Escape | Pause/Resume the game and close all menus. |
Key | Description |
Right Click | Sets a new Default rally location for this base. |
S | Launch a Scout. |
F | Launch a Fighter. |
I | Launch an Interceptor. |
B | Launch a Bomber. |
G | Launch a Gunship. |
T | Launch a Stealth Fighter. |
O | Launch a Steath Bomber. |
X | Launch a Fighter Bomber. |
P | Launch a Troop Transport. |
Key | Description |
Right Click | Orders the selected unit(s) to Attack Move/Dock/Capture. |
Shift | Hold to queue up additional orders. |
Control | Hold to see the scan range of the selected ships. |
A | Orders the selected unit(s) to Attack Move. |
S | Orders the selected unit(s) to Stop. |
D | Orders the selected unit(s) to Dock at the nearest friendly base. |
R | Orders the selected unit(s) to repeatedly Patrol between these positions. |
E | Orders the selected miners(s) to Mine around this position. |
B | Orders a selected constructor to Build near this position. |
C | Orders a selected troop transport to Capture an enemy base. |
1-7 | Activate this ability for all selected ships, if available. |
Most combat ships have powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle!
As a base line, these abilities last 5s, and have a 30s cooldown.
Key | Ability | Description |
1 | Boost Engines | Increase ship speed by 50%. |
2 | Boost Shields | Restore up to 50% shield immediately. |
3 | Repair Hull | Repair hull damage by 10% per second. |
4 | Boost Weapons | Increase all weapon damage by 50%. |
5 | Rapid Fire | Double weapon fire rate by 50%. |
6 | Boost Scan | Increase scan range by 50%. |
7 | Boost Stealth | Decrease signature by 33%. |
These abilities can be improved with upgrades:
Building | Ability Upgrade |
Supremacy | Ability Duration +10%, +20%, +30% |
Expansion | Ability Cooldown -10%, -20%, -30% |
Tactical | Ability Effect +10%, +20%, +30% |
Upgraded Starbase | Unlock the Engine Boost, Shield Boost, Repair Hull, Weapon Boost or Rapid Fire abilties for all ships! |
Note: The
Ability Effect
upgrade does not improve theRapid Fire
orRepair Hull
Ship | Default Abilities |
Scouts | Boost Scan |
Advanced Scouts | Boost Scan, Rapid Fire |
Heavy Scouts | Boost Scan, Rapid Fire, Boost Shields |
Gunships | Rapid Fire, Boost Shields |
Heavy Gunships | Rapid Fire, Boost Shields, Repair Hull |
Interceptors | Boost Engines |
Heavy Interceptors | Boost Engines, Rapid Fire |
Enhanced Fighters | Boost Weapons |
Advanced Fighters | Boost Weapons, Boost Shields |
Stealth Fighters | Boost Stealth |
Advanced Stealth Fighters | Boost Stealth, Boost Weapons |
Bombers | Boost Shields |
Heavy Bombers | Boost Shields, Boost Weapons |
Stealth Bombers | Boost Stealth |
Advanced Stealth Bombers | Boost Stealth, Boost Weapons |
Fighter Bombers | Boost Engines |
Troop Transports | Boost Engines |
All Capital Ships | Boost Engines, Boost Shields, Repair Hull, Boost Weapons, Rapid Fire |
These voices have been imported from the original game for fun & nostalgia/practise 😆
They are immersive and can help order your pilots...
Examples (Key Command) | Pilot Order |
Find enemy (`FE), Deploy probes (`CP) |
Scout |
Head back to base. (`LB), Regroup! (`Q1) |
Dock |
Need fighters. (`NF), Need Scouts. (`NU), Need Bombers. (`NO) |
Launch [Ship Type] |
Go miner hunting. (`CH), Find their constructors! (`FF), etc. |
Hunt [Ship Type] |
Attack base. (`AB), Attack bombers. (`AO), etc. |
Attack Base / Attack [Ship Type] |
Defend base. (`DB), Defend bombers. (`DO), etc. |
Defend Base / Defend [Ship Type] |
Wait for signal. (`CQ), Hold up. (`LU) |
Pause |
Go Go Go! (`CG), Come along. (`QL) |
Resume |
for a full list of quick chats and associated orders.
Pilot Orders | Description |
Scout | 3 scouts will explore other sectors randomly. Either from this sector, or launched from the closest base. |
Dock | All ships in the current sector will dock at the closest base. |
Launch [Ship Type] | Launch up to half your pilots in the best ship of this type, from a base in this sector, or the closest base travelling to this sector. |
Hunt [Ship Type] | Launch 2 scouts and up to half your pilots to attack any visible enemy ships of this type, or explore randomly looking for them. |
Attack / Defend [Ship Type] | Use 2 scouts and up to half your pilots to move to a friendly/enemy visible ship of this type, prefering this sector, or launched from the closest base travelling to the target sector. |
Attack / Defend Base | Use up to half your pilots to surround a friendly/enemy base in this sector. Either ships in this sector, or launched from the closest base travelling to this sector. |
Most of these map layouts have been copied from the main game :)
Key | Description |
Control+Left Click | Places a new sector. |
Left Click | Selects a sector. |
W,A,S,D | Moves the selected sector up/left/down/right. |
Delete | Removes the selected sector. |
Shift+Left Click | Places a wormhole between sectors. |
(1-4) | Toggles a starting sector for team 1-4. |
Item | Source |
Icons | Free Allegiance: http://www.freeallegiance.org/FAW/index.php/DN_minimap_icons |
Original Rocks | Hansjörg Malthaner: http://opengameart.org/users/varkalandar |
Bubble Explosion | Tião Ferreira: http://opengameart.org/users/tiao-ferreira |
Sounds | Microsoft's Allegiance: http://www.freeallegiance.org |
Background | wwwtyro: http://wwwtyro.github.io/procedural.js/space |