- Brooklyn
- http://aaroncrespo.com
magic-trace collects and displays high-resolution traces of what a process is doing
Analyze how a Git repo grows over time
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
Bazel+Xcode Demo of apple/swift-driver: Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
A standalone Swift version of LLVM's flexible pattern matching file verifier
A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
Tool to import swiftc and clang index-store files into Xcode
🍎 Screensaver inspired by Apple's Event on October 30, 2018
A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
The challenge projects for Inferencing machine learning models on iOS
🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
hdoria / xcode-themes
Forked from jbrennan/xcode4themesColor themes for Xcode
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
el1t / uBlock-Safari
Forked from gorhill/uBlockuBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean.
Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filte…
Smuggle code bundles into an app running in the Simulator
The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
iOS library that helps tracking all allocated Objective-C objects
iOS library to help detecting retain cycles in runtime.
iOS tool that helps with profiling iOS Memory usage.
"every time I watch one of his talks I feel like someone has gone in and organized my brain"
TUDelorean helps you test your time-dependent Objetive-C code allowing you travel anywhere in time.