- New York City
- aaronhktan.com
- @[email protected]
cantonais_org Public
cantonais.org est le site de référence de la langue cantonaise.
yfdict Public
Le dictionnaire YFDICT comprend plus de 26 000 mots et expressions propres à la langue cantonaise.
jyut-dict Public
A free, open-source, offline Cantonese Dictionary for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Qt, SQLite. C++ and Python.
homebridge-veml6030 Public
A Homebridge plugin for the VEML6030 ambient light sensor connected to Raspberry Pi over SMBus. C, C++, and JavaScript.
homebridge-bmp280 Public
A Homebridge plugin for the BMP280 temperature/barometric pressure sensor connected to Raspberry Pi over SPI. C, C++, and JavaScript.
homebridge-sgp30 Public
A Homebridge plugin for the SGP30 eCO2 and TVOC sensor connected to Raspberry Pi over I²C. C, C++, and JavaScript.
homebridge-dht22 Public
A homebridge plugin for the DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. C, C++, and JavaScript.
lyric-grabber Public
Grabs lyrics from lyric websites and puts them into ID3 tags and text files. PyQt, Python.
homebridge-soil-moisture Public
A Homebridge plugin for an analog soil moisture sensor. Sensor <--> Arduino Dock <--UART--> Omega2 <--MQTT--> Raspberry Pi. JavaScript, Python, and the Arduino Language.
rpi-albumart Public
Show album art for the current track and total scrobbles from Last.fm on a very cute computer. Uses the Rocket web framework + Tera for templates, all in Rust.
Rust MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2022 -
hkscs-unicode-converter Public
hkscs-unicode-converter is a Python package for converting HKSCS characters assigned to Private Use Areas of Unicode to their equivalents in Unicode 4.1 onwards.
vesta Public
Indoor environment monitoring on a Raspberry Pi with HomeKit integration. I²C, SPI, UART, GPIO, MQTT. Node.js, Python (and MicroPython!), Arduino, C, C++.
A Homebridge plugin for a BME280 Temperature/Humidity/Pressure Sensor <--> ESP8266/WeMos D1 Mini <--MQTT--> Raspberry Pi. JavaScript, Python.
Laspyt Public
Forked from Ximik/LaspytLast.fm scrobbler
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 14, 2020 -
stm32-exploration Public
STM32 microcontrollers exploration. Covers the basics (linker scripts, assembly, GPIO, interrupts, clocks) and some other fun stuff (FreeRTOS, Rust).
homebridge-bme280 Public
A Homebridge plugin for the BME280 temperature/humidity/barometric pressure sensor connected to Raspberry Pi over I²C. C, C++, and JavaScript.
C UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
homebridge-pms7003 Public
A Homebridge plugin for the PMS7003 dust/particulate matter sensor connected to Raspberry Pi over UART. C, C++, and JavaScript.
homebridge-display Public
A script to display values received over MQTT on an HD44780 display, and the associated systemd configuration.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2020 -
fitbit-pomodoro Public archive
A Pomodoro app for the Fitbit OS, written in JavaScript.
fitbit-metar Public archive
A METAR app for the Fitbit OS, written in JavaScript.
rpi-i2c-bitbang Public archive
Bit-banged I2C driver using the BCM2835 library for Raspberry Pi.
C MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2020 -
simple-metar Public archive
A minimalist and responsive METAR display website.
simple-taf Public archive
A minimalist and responsive TAF display website.
fitbit-carta Public archive
A minimalist maps watchface for Fitbit OS.
cbschedule Public archive
A Pebble app to fetch and display the schedule for Colonel By Secondary School, written with Pebble.js.
cb-days Public archive
A single purpose website to view the current day at Colonel By Secondary School.
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2018 -
lit-brolly Public archive
Nōn omne quod nitet aurum est.
exhale Public archive
A Pebble app for breathing, written in C.
poke-ball-watchface Public archive
A Poké Ball watchface for Pebble, written in C.
star-wars-targeting-computer-watchface Public archive
A Star Wars Targeting Computer watchface for Pebble, written in C.