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Rancher API Store

Storage adapter to API Spec compatible APIs.



  npm install rancher-api-store

This assumes that you’re using npm package manager with a module bundler like Webpack or Browserify to consume CommonJS modules.

If you don’t yet use npm or a modern module bundler, and would rather prefer a single-file UMD build that makes apiStore available as a global object.


  • ES6 module
import {Store, Resource} from 'rancher-api-store'
  • CommonJS
const {Store, Resource} = require('rancher-api-store')
  • Browser global
  <script src="path/to/rancher-api-store/dist/index.js" ></script>


  git clone [email protected]:vimniky/rancher-api-store.git
  cd rancher-api-store && npm install
  npm run dev

  # link
  cd rancher-api-store && npm link
  cd your-project && npm link rancher-api-store


npm run build

Getting started

import {Store} from 'rancher-api-store'

const store = new Store()

yourStore.find('container').then(container => {


// models/Container.js
import {Resource, Store} from 'rancher-api-store'

// `Container` Model Should extend from the build-in `Resource` Model
class Container extends Resource {
  constructor(...args) {
    // ....
  doSomething() {
  	// ...

// stores.js
import {Store} from 'rancher-api-store'

const store = new Store('userStore', {
  baseUrl: '/v2-bata',
  // whether schemas should be loaded upon store niitalization
  loadSchemas: true, // default is false

store.registerModel('container', Container)

// If the `Container` Model is registered,
// it will be used to create the corresponding instances,
// if not a, fallback build-in `Resource` Model will be used behind the scenes.
store.find('container').then(container => {



The store performs all communication with the API service and maintains a single copy of all the resources that come back from it. This ensures that changes to a resource in one place propagate propertly to other parts of your application that use the same resource.


  • constructor([name] [,opt]): name and opt are optional. basically, it is use to prevent from creating multiply store instance with the same name, if not passed, a uniq name will be generated every time your invoke new Store(). opt are use to configure the created store instance's behavior.

  • find(type [,id] [,options]): Query API for records of type, optionally with id and other options like filter and include. Returns a promise.

  • getById(type, id): Get a record from the local cache by type and id. Returns a resource or undefined synchronously.

  • hasRecordFor(type, id): Returns true if a record for type and id exists in cache synchronously.

  • all(type): Returns a "live" array of all the records for [type] in the store. The array will be updated as records are added and removed from the store.

  • findAll(type): Calls find(type) if it hasn't been called before, then returns all(type) to give you back a live list of all the records in one call. Convenient for a model hook.

  • createRecord(data): Create a record given fields data. Returns a Resource. Does not add the record to the store, call on the response or \_add() on the store.

More methods, that you shouldn't need often:

  • _add(type, obj): Add a record to the store. This is normally done automatically when reading objects, but you might have created one with createRecord manually want it added without

  • _remove(type, obj): Remove a record from the store. This doesn't tell the server about it, so you probably want resource.delete().

  • _bulkAdd(type, array): add a lot of instances of the same type at once.

    • There must be a model for the type already defined.
    • Instances cannot contain any nested other types (e.g. include or subtypes),
    • (they will not be deserialzed into their correct type.)
    • wasAdded hooks are not called
    • Basically this is just for loading schemas faster.


  • removeAfterDelete: true: Set to false to disable automatically removing from the store after record.delete(). You might want this if your API has a 2-step deleted vs purged state.


A resource is a model object representing a single resource in the API.


  • .merge(data): Take the values in data and replace the corresponding values in this resource with them. Returns the resource so you can chain calls.

  • .replaceWith(data): Replace all the values in this resource with the ones in newData. Returns the resource so you can chain calls.

  • .clone(): Returns a duplicate of this resource. Changes to the clone will not initially affect the original. If .save() is called on the clone, the response data will be merged into both the clone and original.

  • .hasLink(name): Returns a boolean for whether this resource has a link with the given name or not.

  • .followLink(name [,options]): Retrieves the link with the given name and returns a promise that resolves with the response data.

  • .importLink(name [,options]): Retrieves the link with the given name and assigns the response data as a property with the same name (or you can use to change the name) on the resource. Returns a promise that resolves with the resource.

  • .hasAction(name): Returns a boolean for whether this resource has an action with the given name or not.

  • .doAction(name, opt): Performs the action given by name, optionally sending data and returns a promise that resolves with the response data.

  • .save(): Sends the resource to the API to persist it. On success, adds the resource to the store if it wasn't already in there. Returns a promise that resolves to the resource, and also updates the store record with the response data if it is provided.

  • .delete(): Sends a delete request to the API to remove a resource. On success, the resource is removed from the store if it was in it.

  • .serialize(): Returns a plain JavaScript object representation of the resource.

  • optionsFor(field): Returns an array with options of the field, only for enum fields.

  • isRequired(field): Returns a boolean, which indecates whether the field is required.

  • getDefault(field): Returns the field's default value.

Static Properties:

  • alwaysInclude: []: An array of fields to always request be included when making requests for this tyep of resource.


A collection is a model object representing an array of resources in the API. It is an ArrayProxy that proxies array requests to the data elements of the collection, but collections are themselves resources that may have links and actions themselves that you can use (as a resource, above).


  • length () Returns the length of the collection.

  • getById(id) Returns the resource with the passed id or undefined if not found.

  • getAt(index) Returns the resource at provided index.

  • call(nameOfmethod, [...args]). Call any array method on the collection. such as'map', function(item, idx) {...})

  • .serialize(): Returns a plain JavaScript array representation of the collection.


Storage adapter to compatible APIs.






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