- Fairdesk provides HTTP Rest API for client to operate Orders, all endpoints return a JSON object.
- The default Rest API base endpoint is: https://www.fairdesk.com/user/v1/ and https://www.fairdesk.com/order/v1/.
- Fairdesk provides WebSocket API for client to receive market data, order and position updates. The WebSocket API url is: wss://www.fairdesk.com/ws/.
return code when unauthenticated - HTTP
return code when lack of privilege. - HTTP
return code when breaking a request rate limit. - HTTP
return codes for Fairdesk internal errors. Note: This doesn't mean the operation failed, the execution status is UNKNOWN and could be Succeeded.
- All restful API shares the same response format.
"status": <code>,
"error": <msg>,
"data": <data>
Field | Description |
code | 0 means success , non-zero means error |
error | when code is non-zero, it provides short error description |
data | operation dependent |
- order type
order type | description |
LIMIT | limit order |
MARKET | market order |
STOP_LOSS_MARKET | stop loss at market price |
STOP_LOSS_LIMIT | stop loss at limit price |
TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT | take profit at limit price |
TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET | take profit at market price |
U_POST_ONLY | post only |
CONDITIONAL_LIMIT | conditional limit order |
CONDITIONAL_MARKET | conditional market order |
- order Status
order status | description |
NEW | order accepted |
PARTIALLY_FILLED | order partial filled |
FILLED | order fully filled |
CANCELED | order canceled |
REPLACED | order been canceled and replaced by new one |
EXPIRED | Order expired |
- TimeInForce
timeInForce | description |
GTC | good till cancel |
POST_ONLY | post only |
IOC | immediate or cancel |
FOK | fill or kill |
- Price Trigger type
trigger | description |
MARK_PRICE | trigger by mark price |
LAST_PRICE | trigger by last price |
- Request:
GET /user/v1/public/instrument/products
- HTTP Request:
POST /order/v1/private/orders/place-order
"quantity": "0.01",
"price": "42601.5",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"isolated": true,
"type": "LIMIT",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"orderRespType": "ACK"
Field | Type | Required | Description | Possible values |
symbol | String | Yes | Which symbol to place order | |
clientOrderId | String | Yes | client order id, max length is 40 | |
side | Enum | Yes | Order direction, Buy or Sell | BUY, SELL |
positionSide | Enum | Yes | position direction | LONG, SHORT |
isolated | Boolean | Yes | true for isolated position, false for cross position | true, false |
closePosition | Boolean | No | indicate close position order or not | true, false |
quantity | String | Yes | Order quantity | |
price | String | - | price, required for limit order | |
type | Enum | - | refer to orderType | |
timeInForce | Enum | - | Time in force. | GTC, FOK, IOC, POST_ONLY |
conditional | Boolean | - | indicate a conditional order | |
triggerType | Enum | - | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE | |
triggerPrice | String | - | Trigger Price | |
tpTriggerType | String | - | take profit trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
tpTriggerPrice | String | - | take profit trigger price | |
slTriggerType | String | - | stop loss trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
slTriggerPrice | String | - | stop loss trigger price | |
orderRespType | ENUM | - | ACK and Result required order ack immediatel | ACK,RESULT,NO_ACK |
- HTTP Response:
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"orderId": 1521325650,
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"isolated": true,
"cumQty": "0.000000",
"cumQuote": "0.000000",
"executedQty": "0.000000",
"avgPrice": "0.000000",
"origQty": "0.010000",
"price": "426.000000",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"origType": "LIMIT",
"type": "LIMIT",
"activatePrice": null,
"priceRate": null,
"triggerPrice": "0.000000",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"strategyParentId": 0,
"status": "NEW"
- Important fields description
- Order average filled price, inverse contract:
avgPrice = (cumQty/cumValueEv)/contractSize
; linear contract:avgPrice = (cumValueEv/cumQty)/contractSize
is fixed in product api.
- Order average filled price, inverse contract:
Field | Description |
status | order status |
cumQty | cumulative filled order quantity |
orderId | internal unique order id |
- Request
POST /order/v1/private/orders/cancel-order
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"orderId": 1521325650
- Response
- Full Order
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"orderId": 1521325650,
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"isolated": true,
"cumQty": "0.000000",
"cumQuote": "0.000000",
"executedQty": "0.000000",
"avgPrice": "0.000000",
"origQty": "0.010000",
"price": "426.000000",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"origType": "LIMIT",
"type": "LIMIT",
"activatePrice": null,
"priceRate": null,
"triggerPrice": "0.000000",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"strategyParentId": 0,
"status": "NEW"
- Response
- Canceled orders
- Request
POST /order/v1/private/orders/cancel-all-order
"symbol": null,
"settleCcy": "USDT"
- Request
GET /user/v1/private/account/asset
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"marginBalanceUsd": "1135.21",
"marginBalanceBtc": "0.02659473",
"totalAccountBalance": "1135.26",
"totalUnRealizedPnL": "-0.06",
"accounts": [
"currency": "USDT",
"icon": "https://sgtnstatic-1306519353.cos.ap-singapore.myqcloud.com/currency/USDT.png",
"accountBalance": "1135.26",
"availBalance": "1133.14",
"unRealizedPnL": "-0.06",
"positionMargin": "2.12",
"bonus": "0.00",
"display": "Tether"
Note unRealizedPnL
and needs to be calculated according to latest markPrice
, formula is as below.
Below API presents unrealized pnl at markprice
of positions with considerable cost, thus its ratelimit weight is very high.
- Request
GET /user/v1/private/positions/current-positions
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"isolated": true,
"avgEntryPrice": "42745.50000000",
"quantity": "0.00100000",
"isolatedMargin": "2.12231500",
"frozenMargin": "0.00000000",
"margin": "",
"liqPrice": "",
"lastFundingTime": 0,
"lastTxTime": 1632190125650,
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"quoteCurrency": "USDT",
"settleCurrency": "USDT",
"curTermRealisedPnl": "0.00000000",
"cumRealizedPnl": "-0.00500000"
- Request
GET /user/v1/private/order/open-orders
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"orderId": 1523707343,
"clientOrderId": "WEBjCwL6V6SBQ6e",
"symbol": "ethusdt",
"type": "LIMIT",
"origQty": "0.12",
"executedQty": "0.00",
"price": "300.00",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"isolated": true,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"transactTime": 1632192208043,
"status": "NEW",
"markPriceAtPlace": "3013.71",
"lastPriceAtPlace": null,
"closePosition": false,
"triggerPrice": "0.00",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.00",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.00",
"strategyParentId": 0
"orderId": 1523696056,
"clientOrderId": "WEBxKKzzEZIkd0h",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"type": "LIMIT",
"origQty": "0.130",
"executedQty": "0.000",
"price": "426.0",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"isolated": true,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"transactTime": 1632192194291,
"status": "NEW",
"markPriceAtPlace": "42782.6",
"lastPriceAtPlace": null,
"closePosition": false,
"triggerPrice": "0.0",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"strategyParentId": 0
- Request
PUT https://testnet.fairdesk.com/order/v1/private/accounts/adjust-leverage
"symbol": "ethusdt",
"isolated": true,
"leverage": "10"
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
symbol | string | which position needs to change | |
leverage | integer | unscaled leverage | |
isolated | boolean | isolated or crossed |
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"symbol": null,
"isolated": true,
"leverage": 10,
"maxNotionalValue": 0
- Request
PUT /order/v1/private/accounts/adjust-position-margin
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"changeAmount": "0.1"
- Request:
GET /user/v1/private/order/trade-histories?symbol=eth
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name |
- Response:
"status": 0,
"error": null,
"data": {
"rows": [
"tradeId": 10485580,
"userId": 100177,
"orderId": 1522806127,
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"side": "SELL",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"fee": "-0.44894800",
"lastQty": "0.030",
"lastPrice": "42757.0",
"realizedPnl": "1127.64000000",
"isolated": false,
"liquidationType": "L_NONE",
"baseCcy": "BTC",
"settledCcy": "USDT",
"transactionTime": 1632191344624,
"maker": false
- Request:
GET /user/v1/private/order/order-histories?symbol=btc
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name |
- Response:
"status": 0,
"error": null,
"data": {
"rows": [
"orderId": 1522808722,
"clientOrderId": "WEBoWd7RAKV0fH0",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"type": "LIMIT",
"origQty": "0.100",
"executedQty": "0.000",
"avlPrice": "0.0",
"price": "4211.0",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"isolated": true,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"transactTime": 1632191376587,
"markPriceAtPlace": "42744.9",
"lastPriceAtPlace": "42757.0",
"status": "CANCELED",
"closePosition": false,
"triggerPrice": "0.0",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"strategyParentId": 0,
"liqCounterpartyType": "L_NONE",
"baseCcy": "BTC",
"settledCcy": "USDT"
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
timestamp | Integer | Timestamp in nanoseconds | |
side | String | Trade side string | BUY, SELL |
positionSide | String | Position Side | LONG, SHORT |
price | String | Scaled trade price | |
lastQty | String | trade size | |
marker | boolean | marker or taker | |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name | |
avlPrice | String | average execution price |
- The following data can be sent through the websocket instance in order to subscribe/unsubscribe from streams. Examples can be seen below.
- The
used in the JSON payloads is an unsigned INT used as an identifier to uniquely identify the messages going back and forth. - In the response, if the
received isnull
this means the request sent was a success for non-query requests (e.g. Subscribing/Unsubscribing).
- Request
"method": "SUBSCRIBE",
"params": [
"id": 1
- Response
"result": null,
"id": 1
- Request
"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
"params": [
"id": 15
- Response
{ "result": null, "id": 15 }
{ "method": "LIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS", "id": 4 }
{ "result": [ "btcusdt@depth10" ], "id": 4 }
Kline/Candlestick chart intervals:
m -> minutes; h -> hours; d -> days; w -> weeks; M -> months
- 1m
- 3m
- 5m
- 15m
- 30m
- 1h
- 2h
- 4h
- 6h
- 8h
- 12h
- 1d
- 3d
- 1w
- 1M
Stream Name: <symbol>@kline_<interval>
"e": "kline", // Event type
"E": 123456789, // Event time
"s": "BNBBTC", // Symbol
"k": {
"t": 123400000, // Kline start time
"T": 123460000, // Kline close time
"s": "BNBBTC", // Symbol
"i": "1m", // Interval
"f": 100, // First trade ID
"L": 200, // Last trade ID
"o": "0.0010", // Open price
"c": "0.0020", // Close price
"h": "0.0025", // High price
"l": "0.0015", // Low price
"v": "1000", // Base asset volume
"n": 100, // Number of trades
"x": false, // Is this kline closed?
"q": "1.0000", // Quote asset volume
"V": "500", // Taker buy base asset volume
"Q": "0.500", // Taker buy quote asset volume
Mark price and funding rate for a single symbol pushed every second.
Stream Name: @markPrice
"e": "markPriceUpdate", // Event type
"E": 1632195394014, // Event time
"s": "ETHUSDT", // Symbol
"p": "11794.15000000", // Mark price
"i": "11784.62659091", // Index price
"P": "11784.25641265", // Estimated Settle Price, only useful in the last hour before the settlement starts
"r": "0.00038167", // Funding rate
"T": 1632211200000 // Next funding time
Stream Name: @ticker
"e": "24hrTicker", // Event type
"E": 123456789, // Event time
"s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol
"p": "0.0015", // Price change
"P": "250.00", // Price change percent
"w": "0.0018", // Weighted average price
"c": "0.0025", // Last price
"Q": "10", // Last quantity
"o": "0.0010", // Open price
"h": "0.0025", // High price
"l": "0.0010", // Low price
"v": "10000", // Total traded base asset volume
"q": "18", // Total traded quote asset volume
"O": 0, // Statistics open time
"C": 86400000, // Statistics close time
"F": 0, // First trade ID
"L": 18150, // Last trade Id
"n": 18151 // Total number of trades
Stream Name: @depth
level include:
- 10
- 20
- 100
"e": "depthUpdate", // Event type
"E": 123456789, // Event time
"T": 123456788, // Transaction time
"s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol
"U": 157, // First update ID in event
"u": 160, // Final update ID in event
"pu": 149, // Final update Id in last stream(ie `u` in last stream)
"b": [ // Bids to be updated
"0.0024", // Price level to be updated
"10" // Quantity
"a": [ // Asks to be updated
"0.0026", // Price level to be updated
"100" // Quantity
Stream Name: @trade
"e": "trade", // Event type
"E": 123456789, // Event time
"T": 123456788, // Transaction time
"s": "BTCUSDT", // Symbol
"t": 157, // update id
"p": "60221.0", // price
"q": "0.01", // quantity
"X": "Market", //Trade type
"m": true, // is buyer maker