Paper is available at:
EBVs pretrain on ImageNet-1K can be download at:
Data for the 10w classes classification task can be download from:
It contains 120w images for training and 60w images for validation. (Resize to 224*224)
Python 3.8.11
Pytorch 1.11.0
torchvision 0.12.0
numpy 1.22.4
timm 0.6.11
Please refer to /Generate_EBV/
Training logs and code can be found at: /ImageNet_Validation_Experiment/ and /ImageNet_Ablation_Study/Log/
The random seed for all the experiments is 42.
All the code and training logs can be found at: /coco_detection/work_dirs/ebv_det/
The random seeds for each experiment are exactly the same as the corresponding experimental settings in MMdetection.
All the code and training logs can be found at: /ADE20k_segmentation/work_dirs/ebv_seg/
The random seeds for each experiment are exactly the same as the corresponding experimental settings in MMSegmentation.