A simple tool for generating valid and up-to-date geminstaller files. Bundler is probably what you want, but if you're supporting legacy apps or you just like geminstaller, this could be helpful.
require 'geminstaller_builder'
geminstaller = GeminstallerBuilder.new
geminstaller.add 'haml'
geminstaller.add 'state_machine'
geminstaller.add 'shoulda', :test
Will create two files:
install-options: '--no-rdoc --no-ri'
- name: haml
version: '= 2.2.22'
- name: state_machine
version: '= 0.8.1'
install-options: '--no-rdoc --no-ri'
- name: shoulda
version: '= 2.10.3'
relative to the directory from which the script was run.
By default, the :default
and :test
environments are assumed. To change the
names of the files generated, pass in a :paths
option with the full
filenames. For example:
require 'geminstaller_builder'
geminstaller = GeminstallerBuilder.new(
:paths => {:default => 'geminstaller.yml',
:test => 'geminstaller-test.yml'})
geminstaller.add 'haml'
geminstaller.add 'state_machine'
geminstaller.add 'shoulda', :test
will create geminstaller.yml
and geminstaller-test.yml
Looks pretty much the same. I use it like this:
# use geminstaller instead of gem
require 'geminstaller_builder'
@geminstaller = GeminstallerFile.new
# define helper method so that templates called via load_template will have
# access to @geminstaller.add without relying on the instance variable.
def geminstaller s, env=:default
@geminstaller.add s, env
# later on ...
geminstaller 'will_paginate'
geminstaller 'hpricot'
geminstaller 'json'
geminstaller 'state_machine'
geminstaller 'paperclip'
load_template 'http://github.com/smartlogic/rails-templates/raw/master/test.rb'
# finally ...
and in test.rb
geminstaller 'factory_girl', :test
geminstaller 'shoulda', :test
geminstaller 'redgreen', :test
geminstaller 'timecop', :test
geminstaller 'hydra', :test
geminstaller 'mocha', :test
# etc...
Any number of templates can add gems to the collection. When
is called, geminstaller_builder consults the currently
available gems to build the appropriate geminstaller.yml files. The save
command should probably wait until after all external templates have been
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. But then, I haven't included any tests. So do what feels good.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2010 Adam Bachman. See LICENSE for details.