A Car rental system provides basic features for booking a car. There are two types of users exist in the system, first one is admin who has full rights and he can perform any type of operation in the project such as adding a new car, deleting an old car etc. The second type of user is customer who books a car.
Microsoft SQL Server / ADO.NET / C#
- Data is stored in DB.
- UML class diagram.
- C# code using OOP concepts.
- Project’s documentation.
These are the functionality performed by the project:
Login for admin.
Edit information of admin.
Logout functionality.
Dashboard for admin user.
Manage booking
* Adding new booking * Edit the existing booking * View details of booking * List of project booking * Delete booking
Manage car
* Adding new car * Edit the existing car * View details of the car * List of all cars * Delete car
Manage customer
* Adding new customer * Edit the existing customer * View details of the customer * List of all customer
Reports of the car rental system:
- Repot for all booking
- Repot for all cars
- Repot for all customers