Class RN in Build With Angga with back end laravel
- Installing dependencies : Node, Python2, JDK
- Recommended install with Chocolatey, Package manager for windows.
- Open CMD (Run as Administrator)
$ choco install -y nodejs.install python2 jdk8
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
- Download and install Android Studio
Make sure the boxes next to all of the following are checked
:- Android SDK
- Android SDK Platform
- Performance (Intel ® HAXM)
- Android Virtual Device
- Install the Android SDK. requires the
Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) SDK
in particular. Additional Android SDKs can be installed through the SDK Manager in Android Studio. - Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
- Run emulator. Only one device which allow debugging.
$ adb devices
$ git clone
$ cd BWA-React-Native-Food-Market
$ git checkout dev-ios for run ios || git checkout dev-android for run android
$ npm install
$ npm run android / npm run ios
If APK already installed on your emulator
$ react-native start
If something error with watchman
$ watchman watch-del-all
more command $ react-native --help
if needed, made branch for every jobs you do.
$ git checkout -b [branch_name]
format branch : #no_[what did you do] ex: #24_hotfix_banner
Manual Update
$ git status
$ git add [file_name] [file_name] [file_name]
$ git commit -m "what did you do" -n
$ git add [file_name] [file_name] [file_name]
$ git commit -m "what did you do" -n
$ git push origin [branch_name]
- Hot reloading
- Press R (twice & quickly) to refresh your application