#Loaders in CSS
This is an attempt to make and list as many of the loading screens/GIFs currently being used solely by using CSS. New designs of loaders can also be made and listed.
These loaders stylesheets are free to be used anywhere by anyone for any purpose, without citing/crediting the source.
##How to use Get the stylesheet of the loader from css folder and link it to your HTML file. Refer to the respective code used in index.html and copy it to your HTML file.
##How to contribute
Fork the repository. Add your loader css file to the css folder. Name it as "loader-#.css" where # is the next number stylesheet to be added to the original repository.
In index.html add a button with the following code just below the already existing buttons code.
<button id="#" onclick="change(this)">Loader #</button>
(where # is the next number of loader to be added.)