Add About yourself, your portfolio, websites, projects and social media handles links on this website to showcase to the world
see live demo
Note: this project is not for increasing your PR count, it is for listing profile of developers around the world.
Star the repo by pressing the topmost-right button to start your wonderful journey.
Whenever you are going to contribute. Please create a separate branch
get it's link in any image format like png, jpg, or jpeg and paste in image link
Don't make changes to others details
please follow the format below
"id": <leave it blank>,
"name": " <your name> ",
"link": " <your portfolio link> ",
"image": " <your image link> ",
"about": " <about yourself> "
Then add a title and description to your pull request
Get a domain name for free
Please share and tell about this project to everyone you know to add about themselves or if you have their details you can add it.
MIT © Sonu kumar kushwaha
Thank you for being here! You can find my other project here.
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