The Financely WebApp project is a user-friendly web application built to simulate a tracking system. The aim of the web app is to help track income and expenses and manage budgets. The Tech stack used is Reactjs and Firebase
- To clone the repository, copy and paste the command below to your terminal
git clone
- Follow the steps in this documentation to get started with firebase.
The frontend is built using Reactjs and the dependencies are listed below:
- TailwindCSS: for design instead of basic CSS. Check out its documentation here.
- Shadcn UI: to get custom and easy to use components. Check out its documentation here.
- React-Router-Dom: to navigate between pages. Check out its documentation here.
- lucide-react: to get icons to represent. Check out its documentation here.
- ant-design: to get custom and easy to use components. Check out its documentation here.
- ant-design/charts: to get charts diagrams. Check out its documentation here.
Below are steps to follow if using the cloned repository
- After following the clonning instruction above.
- Navigate to the root directory in your terminal.
cd financely
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the frontend development server with the command below
npm run dev
- Open your web browser and navigate to
to view the application.
Below are steps to follow if building from scratch
- Navigate to the root directory of your project in terminal
cd <name-of-your-project>
- Create a new React app using the Vite with the command below
npm create vite@latest
- Give the project a name. I would recommend using frontend or client if the backend and frontend will be in the same main directory
- Use the down arrow key to navigate to React and use Enter or Return to select it as your framework.
- Use the down arrow key to navigate to Javascript and use Enter or Return to select it as your variant.
- Run the command below to navigate to the frontend directory
cd <name-of-frontend-directory>
- Run the command below to install necessary basic dependencies for react
npm install
- Start the frontend development server with the command below
npm run dev
npm start
Open your web browser and navigate to
to view the application. -
Use the command below to install the dependencies for this project. List of dependencies/package are above
npm install <package-name>
- You can use the code in the repository to complete your code.
- Learnt to create a financial tracker using Reactjs, Firebase, TailwindCSS, Shadcn UI and AntDesign.
- I learnt to use firestore for data storage and firebase authentication for sign in and sign up.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh