The famous game played with the following rules:
- Paper beats (wraps) rock
- Rock beats (blunts) scissors
- Scissors beats (cuts) paper.
Unzip file somewhere in your local directory.
Java 8 should be install on your system.
The Paper-Rock-Scissors game uses Gradle. In order to build the project open a command line and navigate to the unzipped folder from the previous step, then execute
gradlew clean build jar
This will build the project, run the tests and generate the corresponding Paper-Rock-Scissors-1.0.jar file.
The application uses JUnit 5.3 for unit testing. In order to run the tests execute the next command from the root directory:
gradlew clean test
To run the application execute the next command from the Paper-Rock-Scissors\build\libs directory:
java -jar Paper-Rock-Scissors-1.0.jar com.gaming.prs.Main