So follow my instructions and nobody gets hurt
- Click that download button up there. You're doing great.
- Go to
- Login and click the button that says "Create an Application". Yes!!! Go ahead and name your application something nice, maybe even change the avatar!
- Click on Bot in the settings area, and then press the button that says "Add Bot".
- Once the bot is created you will have your bot token, copy it.
- Open the EmbedBot.js with any text editor of your choosingand replace the ENTER_TOKEN_HERE on line 126 in EmbedBot.js with your token.
- Now go back to the website and click OAuth2 from the settings. Under the Scopes section choose Bot. Then you can copy that link into a search bar and add it to the server of your choosing. (If you do not have permission to add the bot to that server... ask somebody who does have permission to do it!)
- Go to your command line interface for you corresponding OS. Terminal for Mac, CMD for Windows.
- Type cd and then drag the folder containing EmbedBot.js into the command line interface and press enter. Afterwards, type node embedbot and hit enter.
Yipeee!!! You've done it! Now go into your Discord server and type {embed and the bot will guide you through how to send #lit embeds into your server.
Have fun!