- Requirements are still developing, help with all parts of the project are very much welcome!
- We haven't finalized registration/authentication/etc requirements, and we want this to be usable by as many organizations as possible
- Users are created/managed in the user_selections page, no registration is possible, basic auth is used for admins, and they create users who have magic login-links to be clicked on or emailed to them
- Though designed to be multi-facility, right now all users belong to the first facility in DB and everything defaults there.
- We plan to move the app to be multi-tenant and add an organization table that will allow other pantries besides Masbia to use and customize the software as well, but for now hosting seperately is an option, and we can help support this if you'd like to help us beta test at your pantry.
- We're using ZenHub chrome extension for project management so if you install that you can see some of the epics and feature discussions there, and contribute to the discussion!
- We have our mockups posted here.
- If you represent, work with, or know a pantry program that might benefit from using this software, please get in touch or put them in touch so we can try and consider any special requirements or requests they might have sooner than later!
- We are attempting to make this multi lingual from the start with as much and as many baked in translations as we can
- We have partial translations started for 9 languages
- We have thousands of foods from USDA nutritional database ready for dynamic translation
- We are using POEditor.com for translation, contribute to translations here: https://poeditor.com/join/project/wBfgEEUCht
Getting started with development:
- Mac homebrew:
- ensure homebrew is installed (instructions at https://brew.sh/ or paste
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
into terminal) - brew bundle
- This will install elixir, erlang, yarn, and download Postgres.app which has postgis preinstalled
- It will cd into assets directory and install npm packages via yarn
- You can use another postgres, but you may have to manually install postgis
- run from open_pantry dir
mix do deps.get, ecto.create, ecto.migrate, run priv/repo/seeds.exs
- Expose an env var with some value in your bash config for
, e.g.export GUARDIAN_SECRET_KEY="A not very secret dev only key"
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
, oriex -S mix phx.server
(this gives a server and REPL/console in one window)
- ensure homebrew is installed (instructions at https://brew.sh/ or paste
- Docker/docker-compose (fake, factory generated data but no dependencies)
- Install docker (on most systems this also installs docker-compose)
- Clone the OpenPantry repo and cd into directory
- Run
docker-compose run setup
- Run
docker-compose up web
- Temporary work-around steps for known bug in docker-compose setup:
- Install node package manager if not already present via
npm install
- Install yarn via
npm install -g yarn
- run
cd assets
from open_pantry directory - run
- Install node package manager if not already present via
- Local/native development on Mac/Linux manually, without automation from
brew bundle
via Brewfile above (detailed instructions only for Mac at present, similar for linux)- Install Postgres (Mac)
- Download and install the Postgresapp.com from their site
- Execute the following command in Terminal to configure your $PATH, and then close & reopen the window:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
- Execute the following command in Terminal to configure your $PATH, and then close & reopen the window:
- Alternatively install Postgres with Homebrew
- Execute (
brew install postgres
) in Terminal
- Execute (
- Download and install the Postgresapp.com from their site
- if using Postgres.app you must initialize a data directory after installing, and follow instructions for adding CLI tools to your Terminal path...
which psql
but succeed when done- (instructions defaulting to Mac below... for simplicity, linux users extrapolate, Windows, I have no idea, PR's with instructions for either/both welcome)
- Install Elixir/Erlang (
brew install elixir
) - Install postgis (
brew install postgis
) - Install NPM and yarn (
brew install node && npm install -g yarn
) - Clone this repository locally,
git clone [email protected]:openpantry/open_pantry.git
- cd into the directory
cd open_pantry
- Download database from s3 via
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/open-pantry-dev/openpantry_dev.dump
- Note we had problems with this dump being improperly generated recently. I beleive the problem is fixed, but if you downloaded previously or have problems please contact someone for support, it's probably not your fault!
- Dumps and restores are based on the method described here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgres-import-export
- Install Elixir package dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create the database in Postgres with
mix ecto.create
, assuming default password etc in config works. - Migrate the database to add migrations since dump was created, via
mix ecto.migrate
- Import the dump to the database via
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d open_pantry_dev openpantry.dump
- Install Node.js dependencies with
yarn install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
, oriex -S mix phx.server
(this gives a server and REPL/console in one window)
- Install Postgres (Mac)
- ALTERNATIVELY (and with much less detail), if you DON'T WANT TO USE the dump file referenced above/want to generate a dump from scratch, the above dump was generated with a complete USDA food/nutrient database approximately as below, along with non-dump steps above:
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Git clone https://github.com/openpantry/nutes locally and run make, modifying if necessary to point at your Postgres DB and the directory path to your local copy in imports.sql (requires golang to build data_cleanup tool)
- Add seed data with
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
but modify to leave out foods/stocks as these are fakes generated by factories, you have real food from USDA
- Create and migrate your database with
- Mac homebrew:
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
- Masbia Pantry: http://www.masbia.org/pantry
- Volunteer to help develop this app, or other work with Masbia: http://www.masbia.org/volunteer_signup