A tester tool for the bug PoC released by Synacktiv for 15.0 - 15.4 beta 3
iOS 15.4 patched a kernel vulnerability introduced in iOS 15.0 beta that causes corruption of ipc_kmsgs which leads to powerful primitives that can be used for local privilege escalation from WebContent and app Sandbox.
Synacktiv have posted a tweetable PoC here: https://twitter.com/Synacktiv/status/1504142757157384198 and I've put it together in a small tester application.
With this app you can test if your device is vulnerable to this bug. If it is, it can be used for jailbreaking on your device!
Sideload the application and run it. Press the Run PoC button. If the device reboots, it's vulnerable. If nothing happens, it's not.
- App developed by GeoSn0w (@FCE365): https://twitter.com/FCE365
- YouTube Channel (iDevice Central): https://www.youtube.com/fce365official
- Website: https://idevicecentral.com
- PoC by @Synacktiv: https://twitter.com/Synacktiv/status/1504142757157384198