This is developed because, the default curl binary provided via the Alpine packages registry doesn't support kerberos authentication.
NOTE: It supports just the GET
method currently
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=vendor -a -installsuffix cgo -gcflags=all='-l -B' -ldflags '-s -w' -o gurl
docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_VERSION=3.16 --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=3.16 --build-arg GO_VERSION=1.19 -t gurl:latest .
--version Displays the program version string.
-h --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
-l --url URL to make request
-X --type HTTP request type to use (default: GET)
-k --kerberized Is Kerberos enabled for the URL
-kt --keytab-path Kerberos Keytab Path (default: /etc/security/hdfs-headless.keytab)
-kp --kerberos-principle Kerberos principle to use with keytab (default: [email protected])
-ts --ts-format Timestamp format klist uses in 'Go Time Format'. Example: 'mm/dd/yyyy' => '01/02/2006' (default: 02/01/2006)
-u --basic-auth Is Basic Auth Enabled for the URL
-ev --enforce-tls-verify Enforce TLS certification verification
-ua --user-agent User Agent to be set for the client requests (default: curl/7.29.0)
-o --output-file Write the request response to a file
gurl -X GET -ev -ua "gurl/0.0.1" -l "" -o /tmp/output
gurl -X GET -ua "gurl/0.0.1" -u "username:secret" -k -kt /etc/security/hdfs-headless.keytab -kp [email protected] -ts '01/02/2006' -l ""