"Yet Another Plotting Tool": A set of wrapper functions around matplotlib to reduce boilerplate code for simple tasks. Dogfooded daily and developed continuously.
Solving all of this year's AoC challenges in Haskell.
CSV validator, highlighter and formatter plugin for JetBrains Intellij IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, ...
.Net port of the original java-based barcode reader and generator library zxing
⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever
Python Deep Dive Course - Accompanying Materials
Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to migrate any code which references the legacy Android Support Library to the new AndroidX mappings in a Cordova Android platform project.
A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
This unofficial extension integrates (also known as into VS Code.
Animation of the SHA-256 hash function in your terminal.
Information and instructions for trying TCR workflow (test && commit || revert)
Example based guide to mastering GNU awk
Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
Mega list of 1 on 1 meeting questions compiled from a variety to sources
A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
Tech companies in Japan that hire remote workers.
Joplin - the privacy-focused note taking app with sync capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.