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HOC for react component to use axios

Simple HOC which provides nice axios features as props.


yarn add axios react-axios-connect

npm i axios react-axios-connect --save

How to use

This hoc pass makeRequest(), isLoading, response and error props to the wrapped component:

  error: null | Error, // Axios error if any
  isLoading: boolean,  // whether request is in progress
  makeRequest: (urlOrRequestParams, method = 'get', data = {}, config = {}) => Promise,
  response: Object,    // Axios response object, see

You can also spread the response or specify you own mapping for the props

Very Basic exapmple

  import axiosConnect from 'react-axios-connect';

  class SomeComponent extends React.PureComponent {

    componentDidMount() {
    render() {
       const { response: { data }, isLoading, error } = this.props;
       if (isLoading) {
         return '...loading';
       if (error) {
         return 'An error occurred: ' + error;
       return 'Got this data: ' + JSON.stringify(data);

  export default axiosConnect()(SomeComponent);

Availabe params for makeRequest(url, method, data, config)

POST example:

  {data: 'payload', 'for': 'post'}

PUT example with additional headers:

const headers = {
  Authorization: 'Bearer some-token'

  {data: 'payload', 'for': 'post'},
  { headers }

last param config is request config

You can also specify full request config as the only param of makeRequest:

  const requestObj = {
    url: '/some/url',
    method: 'put',
    headers: {
    'Accept': 'json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer some-oauth2-key'

HOC basic options

axiosConnect accepts the list of options to configure component behavior: axiosConnect(options)(SomeComponent);

options is an object which tracks the next keys:

    axios: CustomAxiosInstance,
    onMountRequestConfig: RequestConfig, // request config to be used in makeRequest on mount
    initialData: any,        // null by default
    mapping: Function,       // map hoc props to other props `(hocProps: Object): Object => mappedProps`
    spreadResponse: boolean, // false by default, spread the response into data, status, headers e.t.c. props

axios key

Pass custom axios instance

onMountRequestConfig key

Request config to be used in call on component mount. This key also can be passed as a prop. If passed both - hoc option & prop, then prop win.


const onMountRequestConfig = {
  url: '/some-url',
  method: 'post',
  data: { some: 'data' }

axiosConnect({ onMountRequestConfig })(Component);

// or

const ConnectedComponent = axiosConnect()(Component);
<ConnectedComponent onMountRequestConfig={ onMountRequestConfig } />

You also can pass a function, it accepts own component props as argument:

const ConnectedComponent = axiosConnect({ onMountRequestConfig: props => {url: props.theUrl })(Component);
<ConnectedComponent theUrl="/some-url" />

In the example above component will load data from /some-url

initialData key

The initial value. At very first load your component won't have any data loaded, so this is useful to not do additional check in your component, i.e. without initialData you'll need to write something like:

  class SomeComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    render() {
      const { response } = this.props;
      if ( && {
        // omg we finally got the data, let's render it
      } else {
        // either, the very first mount or loading

If you define initial data, then it'll be something like this:

  class SomeComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    render() {
      const { response } = this.props;
      // is always array, as either initialData is an array, or server returns the array
      return .../* render into particualr elements */ );

  axiosConnect({ initialData: [] })(SomeComponent)

spreadResponse key

If true your component will accept reponse props instead of one prop response: data, status, headers, config & request. I.e.:

class SomeComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    render() {
      // no response prop here anymore
      const { data, status } = this.props;
      if (status === 200)
      return <div>{JSON.stringify(data)</div>;

  axiosConnect({ spreadResponse: true })(SomeComponent)

mapping key

You can provide your own mapping hoc props:

  class SomeComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    render() {
      // no 'response' prop here anymore
      const { requestInProgress, serverResponse, requestError } = this.props;
      if (requestInProgress)
        return <div>...loading</div>;
  const mapping = props => ({
    serverResponse: props.response,
    requestInProgress: props.isLoading,
    requestError: props.error,
    doRequest: props.makeRequest,

  axiosConnect({ mapping })(SomeComponent)

Report an issue / improvement

Feel free to report issue on github.


HOC for react component to use axios






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