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Scala-AM: A Framework for Static Analysis of Dynamic Languages


We have shifted the focus of our research to studying modular static analyses. As a result, Scala-AM has been thorougly overhauled to support this kind of analyses, and the framework resurrected as MAF, the Modular Analysis Framework. Like Scala-AM, MAF is a modular framework for static analysis of dynamic languages, but it is geared towards (experimenting with) modular analysis techniques. MAF is available here.


The goal of this artefact is to experiment with abstract machines and language semantics. Currently, the artefact's implementation is focused towards experiments with modular analyses. Additionally, semantics for R5RS Scheme are present.


The Scala-AM framework can be used in several ways.

Using the JavaScript visual front-end

The framework includes a JavaScript front-end that can be used to visualise a MODF analysis in the browser. To run this visualisation, open the file scalaam.html with your browser. The visualisation provides information with regard to the work list (coloured in light blue) and currently analysed component (coloured in dark blue). Stepping through the visualisation can be done using the space bar.

If you need to compile the code first, run the command fastOptJS within your sbt repl.

Analysing a program using command line

The Scala-AM framework is built in a modular style. To run a modular analysis, you need to compose the implementation of a specific machine and an abstract domain.

To analyze a specific program, an instance of the MODF analysis class must be created. The constructor of this class takes a parsed version of the program to be analysed, which can be obtained as follows:

val text = io.Reader.loadFile(path-to-file)
val prog = language.scheme.Schemeparser.parse(text)

Additional preprocessing steps are performed by the modular analysis itself and hence must not be performed manually.

Now, the MODF instance can be created. For example, to analyze prog using a big-step MODF analysis with full argument sensitivity and a type domain:

val machine = new ModAnalysis(prog) with BigStepSemantics
                                    with StandardSchemeModFSemantics
                                    with FullArgumentSensitivity
                                    with TypePropagationDomain

The analyze function can take an optional parameter to specify a timeout, which is obtained from a Java Duration like Timeout.start(duration). The analysis will stop approximately when the timeout has been reached, that is, the analysis may be run a bit longer than is specified by the timeout, but never shorter unless it finishes.

Currently, no explicit result is returned by the analysis. Rather, information can be retrieved by fields of the machine, such as the final store and dependencies between components.

Running the test suite

This repository is monitored by a CI-system. Upon every push and pull request to this repository, the test suite is run on a specific subset of benchmark programs (Scala-AM tests on action). In addition, the full test suite is run over night (Daily Scala-AM tests).

Current status:

Latest build Nightly tests

The full test suite of Scala-AM can easily be run manually using sbt:


To allow specific tests to be run, tags have been added to the test suite.

  • Following tags can be used to select the component of the framework that should (not) be tested: ParserTest, LatticeTest, PrimitiveTest and SoundnessTest.
  • Following tags can be used to select which benchmark programs (not) to run: SlowTest.

The SlowTest tag currently is only used for some of the soundness tests. When these tests are disabled, only a part of the available benchmark programs will be used.

To run tests with a specific tag, the sbt command scalaam/testOnly should be used. The -n flag indicates test tags that should be included from testing, whereas the -l flag indicates tags that should be excluded from testing.

For example, to run the parser tests, the following command can be used:

scalaam/testOnly -- -n ParserTest

(Note the double -- before any possible flags.)
To run all soundness tests, but only on a fast subset of benchmark programs, the command

scalaam/testOnly -- -n SoundnessTest -l SlowTest

can be executed.

References and Relevant publications

The original idea behind Scala-AM comes from the Abstracting Abstract Machines literature. Since then, the work of Effect-Driven Flow Analysis has been integrated.

The Scala-AM framework is described in the following publication:

  • Scala-AM: A Modular Static Analysis Framework. SCAM 2016. pdf, doi.
  • Building a Modular Static Analysis Framework in Scala. Scala@SPLASH 2016. pdf, doi.

Scala-AM has been used for evaluating static analysis approaches in the following publications:

  • Garbage-Free Abstract Interpretation through Abstract Reference Counting. ECOOP 2019. pdf.
  • A general method for rendering static analyses for diverse concurrency models modular. Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 149. 2019. pdf, doi.
  • Mailbox Abstractions for Static Analysis of Actor Programs. ECOOP 2017. pdf, doi.
  • Employing Run-time Static Analysis to Improve Concolic Execution. BENEVOL 2017. pdf.
  • Incrementalizing Abstract Interpretation. BENEVOL 2017. pdf.
  • Static taint analysis of event-driven scheme programs. ELS 2017. pdf.
  • Improving trace-based JIT optimisation using whole-program information. VMIL@SPLASH 2016. pdf, doi.
  • STRAF: A Scala Framework for Experiments in Trace-Based JIT Compilation. GTTSE 2015. pdf, doi.


Many thanks to JProfiler for supporting this open-source project, allowing us to easily identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in our analyses.


(Abstract) Abstract Machine Experiments using Scala






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