A pure Entity Component System based Graphical Engine
- Useful: A complete 2D set with an upcoming 3D support
- Simple: Flexible with access to all the engine code and easy access for new users with a built in editor
- Fast: Make the best use of C++ concept and can execute system in parallel thanks to support of Taskflow
- Data Focused: Heavy use of the Entity Component System Paradigm with support to event between systems
- Pay only for what you use: Don't lose any performance while not using a system
- Adaptative: Every thing is scriptable using PgScript and mod support can be easily enabled on the final release.
A custom engine is available to create 2D scene
A full fledge tetris clone using texture, entities and sound effects using this engine
You can find all the game that I made using this engine at: https://pigeoncodeur.itch.io/
PGEngine is still in the early stage of development, important features are missing and expect some code bracking update changes happening with some migration guides provided !
The first step to build is to download the two external depencies of this project:
- Any C++ compiler that can handle 64bits build
- Cmake
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
mkdir release
cd release
cmake -S ../ -B .
cmake --build . --target all -j 11
The first step is to install Mingw 64
The next step is to install Cmake
Once mingw is installed, add the bin folder in your PATH to use make !
Once those depencies are resolved, you can build the application with:
cmake --build release --config Release --target all
in release modecmake --build debug --config Debug --target all
in debug mode
Or use the different task set up for vscode
Start by installing Emscripten https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html
mkdir em
cd em
emcmake cmake ..
cmake --build . --target all -j 11
To test and deploy web build
emrun .\PgEngine.html
To profile the Taskflow scheduling of the application, you need to enable the profiler in your environment by setting the filename in the environment variable
On windows:
Create all the uml using: https://plantuml.com/fr/sequence-diagram
If you want to contribute to the project, please follow the coding style before sending a PR