Zig Assistant is a voice assistant for use in testing of the Zig rig. It is to be installed into the console RaspberryPi in a 10-camera Zig Rig. The voice assistant can be used to turn the cameras on/off, start/stop recording, and push the rig to storage/record mode. The assistant responds to "ZigAssist" or "Adam". It can be further customized to integrate any potential Python or Shell scripts.
It employs the use of Google Text-To-Speech, Google Speech Recognition, and Snowboy Hotword Recognition.
Run the following commands in the command line on the RaspberryPi to install all required dependencies and packages.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio sox
$ sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev
$ pip install pyaudio
$ pip install gTTs
$ pip install SpeechRecognition
$ sudo apt-get install swig
$ sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
$ sudo apt-get install flac
$ sudo apt-get install mpg123
Clone the zigassist repository into the home folder onto the RaspberryPi and set it up via the following commands.
$ git clone https://github.com/adameldefrawy/zigassist
$ cd zigassist/swig/Python3
$ make
If using the ReSpeaker 2 Mics Pi HAT, plug it in (match the GPIO pins on the microphone to the Raspberry pi), give power via a micro-usb to the microphone, and run the following commands in the RaspberryPi:
$ git clone https://github.com/respeaker/seeed-voicecard.git
$ cd seeed-voicecard
$ sudo ./install.sh
$ sudo reboot
Enter the following in the Pi.
$ sudo alsamixer
If the 'card' setting in the top right does not match up with the microphone that is plugged in, the .asoundrc file needs to be adjusted.
From the home directory:
$ sudo nano .asoundrc
Paste the following into the .asoundrc file
type hw
card 1
type hw
card ALSA
type asym
type plug
slave.pcm "internal"
type plug
slave.pcm "usb"
type asym
type plug
slave.pcm "internal"
type plug
slave.pcm "usb"
Commands for individual modules:
- "Toggle 1 2 ..." -> Toggles power on whichever module numbers are specified
Commands for master:
"Turn cameras On -> Turns all cameras on
"Turn cameras Off" -> Turns all cameras off
"Toggle power" -> Toggles power
"Storage mode on"-> Puts Zig into storage mode
"Storage mode off" -> Puts Zig into record mode
"System check" -> Executes a system check to verify if settings are correct
"Start Record" -> Starts a recording
"Stop Record" -> Stops a recording
For the following commands, a default recording time is written in the script. However, if a number is specified, it will record for that amount of seconds instead.
- "Record Calibration (Optional Number)" -> Records for 60 seconds (or specified number), stops recording, and stores the take as a calibration
- "Record Clean Plate (Optional Number)" -> Records for 10 seconds (or specified number), stops recording, and stores the take as a cleanplate
- "Record Normal (Optional Number)" -> Records for 10 seconds (or specified number), stops recording, and stores the take as a normal take
Additional commands can be added by modifying zigassist.py listen_for_command function.