Multiplayer Bluetooth controllers adapter for retro video game consoles
Builds the popular classic Macintosh emulators BasiliskII and SheepShaver from source to create AppImages
Automatic installation of a minimal Basilisk II (Apple Macintosh Quadra 800) system using Raspberry Pi OS Lite on a Raspberry Pi (1, 2, or 3) without X.
Netatalk is a Free and Open Source AFP fileserver that can provide file sharing services to macOS, Classic Mac OS, and Apple II clients.
Use a Raspberry Pi, old computer or VM as network storage for different retro computers and consoles
Run the popular umac emulator right on your Pi Pico!
A classic Mac loaded with everything you'd want
Config files for booting Mac OS 7-9, OS X and macOS on UTM emulator
Modern organiser for OSX version of Basilisk II and SheepShaver
Basilisk II MAC Emulator installer and build for the MiSTer platform
kanjitalk755 / macemu
Forked from cebix/macemuBasilisk II and SheepShaver Macintosh emulators
erichelgeson / BlueSCSI
Forked from ztto/ArdSCSino-stm32A small SCSI device based on stm32
PiSCSI allows a Raspberry Pi to function as emulated SCSI devices (hard disk, CD-ROM, and others) for vintage SCSI-based computers and devices. This is a fork of the RaSCSI project by GIMONS.
a gcc-based cross-compiler for classic 68K and PPC Macintoshes
Basilisk II and SheepShaver Macintosh emulators, maintained
A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
Sketchize is built for UI/UX Designers to help them design lovely apps for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
Leading Groups at Etsy to Learn From Accidents