kanjitalk755 / macemu
Forked from cebix/macemuBasilisk II and SheepShaver Macintosh emulators
erichelgeson / BlueSCSI
Forked from ztto/ArdSCSino-stm32A small SCSI device based on stm32
rowanj / gitx
Forked from pieter/gitxFork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes branch/tag sidebar and various fixes. Current development focus is on removing legacy git command line usage in favour of libgit2 and objective-git.
adamhope / jenkins-monitor
Forked from tuo/jenkins-monitorA simple way to radiate jenkins build status using pure javascript
hmans / homedir-legacy
Forked from czottmann/homedirPublic home directory files
adamhope / liquid-tmbundle
Forked from Shopify/liquid-tmbundleLiquid Templates Textmate Bundle
JSHint JavaScript checker wrapped in a Ruby gem for easier use in Rails apps
Jasmine JsTestDriver Adapter. Write Jasmine BDD code, and run it on JsTD.
sjl / oh-my-zsh
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzshA community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
brotherbard / gitx
Forked from andreberg/gitxExperimental fork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes: sidebar, fetch, pull, push, add remote, merge, cherry-pick, rebase, clone, clone to. Mac OS X 10.5+ (see wiki for screenshot)
kemayo / ack-tmbundle
Forked from protocool/ack-tmbundle"Ack in Project" TextMate bundle