TAP (Test Anything Protocol) formatter for Elixir's ExUnit.
- TAP formatted output
- Streams to STDOUT
- Optionally outputs ANSI colors
- ExUnit style failure output
- ExUnit style final report
- Reports SKIP directive for skipped tests
- Reports TODO directive for
@tag :todo
or@tag todo: "Make it pass"
- Space padded descriptions for legibility
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:tapex, "~> 0.1.0", only: :test}]
- Specify it as your fomatter in
ExUnit.configure formatters: [Tapex]
$ mix test --no-color
TAP version 13
ok 1 test format_counts/1 displays passed failed and skipped (Elixir.Tapex.ReportTest)
ok 2 test format_counts displays colors when enabled (Elixir.Tapex.ReportTest)
ok 3 Elixir.Tapex.ReportTest
not ok 4 test format_plan (Elixir.Tapex.TapTest)
# 1) test format_plan (Tapex.TapTest)
# test/tapex/tap_test.exs:6
# Assertion with == failed
# code: format_plan(1) == "1.1"
# lhs: "1..1"
# rhs: "1.1"
# stacktrace:
# test/tapex/tap_test.exs:8: (test)
ok 5 test format_header (Elixir.Tapex.TapTest)
ok 6 Elixir.Tapex.TapTest
ok 7 test format_line with todo and message (Elixir.Tapex.LineTest)
ok 8 test format_line with color (Elixir.Tapex.LineTest)
ok 9 test format_line for fail (Elixir.Tapex.LineTest)
ok 10 test format_line with skip (Elixir.Tapex.LineTest)
ok 11 test format_line for pass (Elixir.Tapex.LineTest) # SKIP This test is flappy
ok 12 Elixir.Tapex.LineTest
ok 13 test format_diagnostic for test without color (Elixir.Tapex.DiagnosticTest)
ok 14 test format_diagnostic for TestCase with color (Elixir.Tapex.DiagnosticTest) # TODO Make assertions less strict
ok 15 Elixir.Tapex.DiagnosticTest
ok 16 test :case_finished prints TAP line (Elixir.TapexTest)
ok 17 test :suite_finished prints a report (Elixir.TapexTest)
ok 18 test init returns config (Elixir.TapexTest)
ok 19 test :test_finished event prints TAP line (Elixir.TapexTest)
ok 20 Elixir.TapexTest
Finished in 0.1 seconds
20 tests, 18 passed, 1 failed, 1 skipped, 1 todo
Randomized with seed 484706
ExUnit may flag a TestCase as a failure. This usually happens when a setup_all
hook fails. Since we report a TestCase
as pass or fail according to the TAP
specification, test cases are included in the final counts. This means you'll
see a higher count of tests once you switch from ExUnit's formatter, which
doesn't count test cases towards the total test count.