The PetClinic application contains a few componets (See architecture diagram at the bottom for detais):
- The React frontend web application
- The node.js Express application acting as a proxy for the React web application.
- The Spring Boot backend application.
- The Python application for address lookup from an Elasticsearch cluster.
A docker compose allows the user to run the application, backed with Mysql as the data layer, with Elastic APM and Beat instrumentation enabled. The following services are deployed:
- Pet Clinic via embedded Tomcat with REST API. Instrument with Elastic Java Agent.
- React UI for Pet Clinic using above. Instrument with Elastic RUM Agent.
- Elasticsearch
- Kibana
ES_VERSION=6.4.2 docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
See instructions for each of the components of the application.
First of all, set your Elasticsearch cluster information inside the script bin/
and run the script. All the components rely on the environment variables to connect to your Elasticsearch cluster.
- Start the Spring Boot backend
git clone
cd spring-petclinic
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Start the Python address finder
cd spring-petclinic/address_resolver/src
pip install gunicorn json-logging-py
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
gunicorn --config gunicorn.conf --log-config logging.conf -b :5000 server:app
- Start the node.js proxy application
cd spring-petclinic/frontend/server
npm install
npm start
- Start the React frontend
cd spring-petclinic/frontend/client
npm install
npm start