ASR Consulting Limited
- Bristol, UK
- https://adamrushuk.github.io
- in/adamrushuk
velero-choco Public
Creates a Chocolatey package for Velero CLI
devops-lab Public
This is the main repo where I test and use DevOps tools and processes.
adamrushuk.github.io Public
My personal blog
azure-scripts Public
A collection of Bash and PowerShell scripts for Azure
PowerShell-Misc Public
Miscellaneous PowerShell
tools-install-old Public archive
Forked from benc-uk/tools-installSetup scripts for various dev tools, utilities, SDKs and CLI tooling
terraform-azurerm-aks Public
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Terraform module
dotfilesold Public archive
Forked from benc-uk/dotfilesMy personal dotfiles
AIPAS Public
Forked from stefanstranger/AIPASAIPAS (Azure IP Address Solution) is built in Azure to let (Network) Administrators keep up-to-date records of IP assignments and available addresses used to configure Azure Virtual Networks (VNets).
gitlab-terraform-registry Public
Testing GitLab's Terraform Registry feature
terraform-vsphere Public
VMware vSphere Provisioning using Terraform
argocd-example-apps Public
Forked from argoproj/argocd-example-appsExample Apps to Demonstrate Argo CD
debug-k8s-pipeline Public
Interactive debugging within a Jenkins CI pipeline, running within Kubernetes
Packer-Templates Public
Packer Template examples
velero Public
Forked from vmware-tanzu/veleroBackup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes
microk8s-rpi Public
MicroK8s on a Raspberry Pi cluster
k3s-rpi Public
Rancher k3s on a Raspberry Pi cluster
jenkins-azure Public
Forked from steevaavoo/jenkins-azureRepo used to show Jenkins declarative pipeline usage in Azure
terraform-azure Public
Secure Azure Provisioning using Terraform
powershell-pipeline Public
An example CI/CD pipeline for a PowerShell module
PSSummit2019 Public
Forked from murrahjm/PSSummit2019Ansible for the Windows Admin PowerShell Summit Presentation
CKAD-exercises Public
Forked from omiossec/CKAD-exercisesA set of exercises to prepare for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
MIT License UpdatedSep 27, 2019